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Puppy Digging, But Not From Boredom?

Brucey Mumma

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Our Malt x pup "Bruce" is 4mths old & has taken it upon himself to discover what exactly lies beneath our back lawn.

There are two particular places he digs, I really don't think he is bored, he has lots of toys, has access to inside & outside & therefore to me all day (apart from school runs x 2 a day) we play, throw the ball, play chasies, he loves this, burns lots of energy LOL, he gets lots of pats & cuddles & I talk to him all the time.

The lawn has been laid for around three weeks now, previous to that we had pavers down, he used to try to dig between the pavers too, the weren't concreted in, they were sand packed.

How do I stop him digging the lawn? Husband said to put some cayenne pepper in the holes he digs in, but I would hate for him to get it in his eyes or up his nose!

Thanks for any advice, Husband is getting a tad frustrated that his nice new lawn is under attack from Bruce the Lawn Destroyer :laugh:


Edited by Brucey Mumma
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Just a stab in the dark here but my dog only digs when you give him bones or other things he wants to "save for later". We started avoiding bones because they gave him the runs and the digging stopped. Occasionally he'll still try and bury something he doesn't want to eat though!

First we tried putting poop in the holes which did work to an extent, but you had to keep refilling and he'd just dig new ones :laugh:

We also got him a sandpit as suggested above which he loves.

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My German shepherd used to dig heaps of holes in the lawn but only to find stuff like coins, old pegs, irrigation tubibg, pipes etc...

I tried everything and recently tried putting her poo in the holes before filling them up again and she hasnt touched them since!!!! i figure she scents she has been there before so why bother.

i tried it with the plants i have just put in the garden bed and it has worked too! yay!

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because it smells good and he wants to explore.

There are 'Keep Off' Crystals you can purchase that you sprinkle on the area or fresh dog poo covered shallow will work.

get him out of the habit now or they keep going. The pool is a good idea but you have to entice them by burying little tidbits into it

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Fresh poo works really well for my dog, she mainly does her digging in the garden though. However I've noticed she's been digging just lately in the grass and I wondered whether she's chasing crickets or beetles in the grass. I have a friend who uses chicken wire and bricks over the holes for their GSD, but he just moves on to another patch then!!lol

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dogs seem to love the smell of fresh earth, or plant roots as well. Well my dogs do anyway :laugh:

the best surprise was when I saved some fresh poo and covered it lightly. The rotty went to his usual spot and rucked in to SPLAT into a fresh poo. Should have seen his face :laugh: EWWWWWWWWW I STOOD IN POOPY and held his paw up hopping around

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the best surprise was when I saved some fresh poo and covered it lightly. The rotty went to his usual spot and rucked in to SPLAT into a fresh poo. Should have seen his face :laugh: EWWWWWWWWW I STOOD IN POOPY and held his paw up hopping around

;) Gotta love that. Bit off topic but once ours was doing big zoomies after a bath up and down the fence line but there happened to be a poo in the way. Every time he passed it he'd make a flying leap over it but once he must have forgotten, landed on it and jumped back like he'd been bitten by something :laugh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi again & thanks for the advice :rofl:

I think we'll try the poo in the hole trick, he has now decided that his two holes weren't enough after all & has added another two :cry: to say Husband is less than impressed is an understatement, added to that he digs a nice big chunk of grass up & then brings it inside & presents it to me like he is the cleverest puppy in the world :( LOL!

It's funny, he doesn't dig in the front yard at all, just the back, maybe it smells extra yummy out there?

Absolutely LOL for real at the icky poo stories, they are funny creatures these little furry friends :)


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When they are pups, apart from the smell of (especially fresh) soil, digging can often begin as an exploration thing. My youngster tried the same thing. I made a point of NOT making any 'deal' out of it .... in fact I ignored his attempts. Then, in his absence, I put his poops (one way of getting rid of them but with good use) in the hole and covered it over. It has stopped him.

When your pup brings in a clod of turf, avoid giving attention to it otherwise this in itself can be reinforcing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thankyou! Digging problem solved!

I filled the holes in with poo & what do you know? No more digging, he hasn't even moved to any other spots.

I also sorted a spot in the corner of the yard where he can dig, OH not so impressed with that idea, but I explained that it's either there or all over the yard & we came to a mutual agreement (ie; I won! LOL!)

Oh & I also started taking him for two walks a day, so maybe, though he did have me around for most of the day, he also just had that little bit of energy not quite used up & digging was his way of exercising.

Anyway, I thought I would update & say thanks :love:

Brucey Mumma :eek:

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Thankyou! Digging problem solved!

I filled the holes in with poo & what do you know? No more digging, he hasn't even moved to any other spots.

I also sorted a spot in the corner of the yard where he can dig, OH not so impressed with that idea, but I explained that it's either there or all over the yard & we came to a mutual agreement (ie; I won! LOL!)

Oh & I also started taking him for two walks a day, so maybe, though he did have me around for most of the day, he also just had that little bit of energy not quite used up & digging was his way of exercising.

Anyway, I thought I would update & say thanks :)

Brucey Mumma :laugh:

remember even though he loves your company, he does require daily walks, just because hes a small dog does not mean he doesnt need walks. All dogs require daily walks to exercise and for stimulation, they get to experience new smells when they go for walks and it gives them a better chance of stronger bonding with you as he gets to in his mind travel with you as a pack. Sitting at home will never be enough for any dog they do require walks. The walks will definitely be helping because hes now doing something with his energy which games at home cannot do.

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