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Keeping Puppy Happy


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hi all, well i cant remember where i put my other post... so i will start one of here..

yesterday i brought home my mums little chihuahua/pomeranium sp to train him a little as mum cant. the puppy is on his own when he is at mums place. he has toys but he seems to get very bored and lonely quickly..

he has settled in really good here. But i have 3 kittens, and 1 dog that he just loves and plays with them. mum also had problems with him, wetting and pooing his blanket at night, and well last night, i had no accidents at all. BUT i did decrease his bed to half and put a tray in his crate with him..

i am going to start to lead train him today...

What i am wondering is when i give him back to mum, is there any ways i can try and make him more happier. ie: toy games, etc. mum has no patience and ive told her that is what you need with a puppy, she also has a bad back so she will sit outside with him but cant run around or anything...

i was thinking of some rope games and stuff but ive never had this problem so i would be very appreciative if any one could suggest anyting else for when i send him back home..


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yes well i didnt say that she has no time just no patience. and she has been on her own for 20 odd years and even though i tried to talk her out of it, she wouldnt listen. she loves the litle thing she just wants me to train him a little. do a bit of lead work and house train him.. but he seems a lot happier here with all the other animals to play with so i will kepp him here until ithink he is ready and she is ready for him.

But i just thought that if i could make her backyard more interesting then he would be alot happier....

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What about tying a rope to a tree, perhaps with a toy at the end if just a rope isnt interesting enough, and he can play tug with himself :(

I have one tied to my tree and Poppy loves playing with it, I need to encourage her a little though, but a pup should be more than happy to have a play with it.

Perhaps a sandpit for digging, or a clam shell pool with sand in it, or water in it.

Lots of chew toys and perhaps a treat ball, and kongs filled with frozen beef flavoured water for summer.

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Being a Puppy I'd imagine he'd be on 3 or 4 feeds a day so perhaps use the kong or treat balls to give him his food in as it will take him awhile to get the food out. I have a 10 week old puppy at the moment and when I need to keep him quiet while I'm busy doing stuff I find this works a treat and one feed via treat balls will keep him occupied for ages.

Hope this helps!

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Being a Puppy I'd imagine he'd be on 3 or 4 feeds a day so perhaps use the kong or treat balls to give him his food in as it will take him awhile to get the food out. I have a 10 week old puppy at the moment and when I need to keep him quiet while I'm busy doing stuff I find this works a treat and one feed via treat balls will keep him occupied for ages.

Hope this helps!

thankyou for reminding me. i have actually got a couple for my dogs. yes they are bloody unreal.

I have him here at the moment, and i have had no problems with him at all. But here he has got kittens to torment, and my staffy girl who he loves and comforts up to. He also doesnt go toilet in on his blanket nor inside which is good. he does whine a little but a firm NO and he shuts up immediately.

here is a little photo of him in his crate.


and thankyou for all your suggestions

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He looks lovely, though , it might be just me or the photo (we know how they can sometimes distort), but I can't see any Pom or Chi in him. He might be a candidate for a thread on What breed is this?

And I am sure you know that he shouldn't have any unsupervised time with the bigger dogs, They can get very enthusiastic with their play, and those little bones and muscles haven't reached mature strength yet.

Also consider that when he goes home to your Mum he is going to miss his new playmates, and she is going to have to give him the attention he deserves and needs and she will have to develop patience to share her home and life with another being - human or canine. And training and caring for the pup is a life-long commitment. Pom/Chi's develope very close bonds with their owners, they don't have the temperment to be stuck in the backyard for just a once-a-day cuddle.

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