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There Goes His Recall :(

Luke W

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Barkly is nearly nine months old and I think he's going deaf. I think senility is also settling in.

He used to have such a great recall.

"Barkly Come" - and he'd come running no matter what he was doing.

Now - 1/2 the time he doesn't hear me, the other 1/2 the time he looks at me, then goes back to what he was doing. The other 1/2 of the time he starts coming, then decides to veer off and smell that tree. I realise that's three halves :rolleyes:

Back to the long lead for you Barkly.

Back to Really Reliable Recall DVD for me.

*end rant*

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Does he still own his testicles? :rolleyes: That's like a double whammy.

He just had a Suprelorin 12 implant today. So in 2 weeks time his testosterone levels should have dropped to zero. Maybe he'll stop listening to his balls and start listening to me again :rofl:

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Up the rewards for a while Luke. Something disgusting like a chicken neck! (I am a vego :rolleyes: ) Also try playing games with the recall - recall, don't worry about the sit, massive pats and send him off again, repeat! I also run away if doggie is too slow! (I did fall over once in front of about 20 people :rofl: )

If it makes you feel better Poppy's recall turned into a drop last week! Took a while for me to work out what was going on. I had got told off for having too long a verbal command, so had shortened it and had slightly changed my visual command but it was enough for her to get muddled up! Arrrrrrrrrrrr

But this is why I love dog training :rofl:

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Up the rewards for a while Luke. Something disgusting like a chicken neck! (I am a vego :rolleyes: ) Also try playing games with the recall - recall, don't worry about the sit, massive pats and send him off again, repeat! I also run away if doggie is too slow! (I did fall over once in front of about 20 people :rofl: )

If it makes you feel better Poppy's recall turned into a drop last week! Took a while for me to work out what was going on. I had got told off for having too long a verbal command, so had shortened it and had slightly changed my visual command but it was enough for her to get muddled up! Arrrrrrrrrrrr

But this is why I love dog training :rofl:

Thanks Jules.

Can you see me walking down the park with a pocket full of chicken necks?!?!? I will!

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Ah the joys of recalling a set of balls! :( its ok before they realise they have balls!

I found Ed got easier a few weeks into the implant, and yeah could defiantely tell when it wore off. He had a break off it, was used to sire a litter then I put him back on it. It really didnt do much the second time and I've let it wear off this time, been about 12 months now, wont be doing it again, he's easy to work with now and now I know what I want to do and where i want to go with him, I will desex him

Edited by shoemonster
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I guess it starts wearing off 2ish weeks before because it seemed like 'to the day' everything was back to normal. :(

I do believe though, that there are peaks and troughs with it because behaviour wise I noticed sometimes he was great and other times he was acting just like an entire male.

Just IMO I think it's great if you are planning to breed but are struggling with activities and need to postpone things, or if you need to convince a male owner that their dog will be just the same desexed, however I would never consider it as a lifelong thing as I'm concerned about the effects on thyroid.


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Hi Mel,

Can you please explain why you think the implants might affect the thyroid?

All I know about Suprelorin (deslorelin) is that it's a gonadotrophin releasing hormone analog & I wasn't aware that GnRH had any effect on the thyroid. Or is there another reason you're concerned - have there been tests showing an effect on thyroid hormone levels or something?

PM me if you prefer because it's kind of off topic. Just want to know out of curiosity, since haven't heard that about these implants before :(


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Hi Mel,

Can you please explain why you think the implants might affect the thyroid?

All I know about Suprelorin (deslorelin) is that it's a gonadotrophin releasing hormone analog & I wasn't aware that GnRH had any effect on the thyroid. Or is there another reason you're concerned - have there been tests showing an effect on thyroid hormone levels or something?

PM me if you prefer because it's kind of off topic. Just want to know out of curiosity, since haven't heard that about these implants before :(


Obviously I'd be interested too - I don't care if the thread gets OT.

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Fair enough, just didn't want to hijack your thread. :(

FYI I've used Suprelorin in the past. Found it decreased marking (my boy's not allowed to mark in the house regardless, but the implant decreased the amount he marked when he was outside), but it didn't do anything for his dog aggression. It also shrunk his balls a little. The balls and the marking gradually went back to normal probably about 8 months after he got the implant. I didn't see any other effects from it. I'd be happy to use it again (pending further information about the thyroid issue!)

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