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Food & Toilet Questions


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Hi there, I have two questions regarding both the amount of food I should/am feeding my two dogs and also about their toilet.

I have a one year old English Cocker Spaniel named Jesie (10kg) and a 7 month old Beagle X English Cocker Spaniel named Jodie (11kg). They both get a cup of biscuits for breakfast in the morning which Jesie doesn't usually eat all of so Jodie finish's off the last little bit. At dinner time they get a quarter cup of biscuits, half cup of vegies (mashed brocoli, carrot and pumpkin) and a half cup of boiled chicken thigh or beef.

My Jodie is always hungry and after she finishes a meal she brings her bowl to me because she wants more! Should have named her Oliver I think. My Jesie seems a little on the thin side, not scrawny by any means but I can feel her ribs just a little to easy I think. I dont want to over feed them as Jesie has a tendency to put weight on easily. Am I feeding them enough?

Also Jodie's number two toilet always seems a little bit sloppy. Not runny though and never firm. Is it to do with what she is being fed? I haven't changed anything in either of their diets.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as it's all a BIG learning experience for me and the OH

Thanks in advance guys



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Broccoli can be toxic to dogs causing gastro intestinal problems, contains a substance called isothiocyanate.

Supposedly safe to feed in small amounts, however a daily amount wouldnt be adviseable....many dogs can happily eat anything even those foods called "toxic" without a problem, some cant tolerate them at all, I would suggest your dog comes in that category.

cooked mashed pumpkin helps regulate the bowel.....I would suggest increasing bone to harden the stools to a normal level...chicken necks, wings, carcass for a start :p

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nothing wrong with feeling ribs. Better a little underweight then over as long as the dog is healthy, shiny coat etc.

What biscuits are you feeding? Try and get the best you can, avoid supermarket foods as they are very high in cheap fillers, grains, starches etc.

Protein will keep a dog happy. Try chicken carcasses/wings/necks, lamb flaps, offcuts, etc dont bother cooking the meat for them they dont need that. They will be better off with raw on the bone meats with skin, tendon etc attached!

sloppy poos means something is running the dog through. Thats probably why she is hungry as well the food is going right through. I would definately change the biscuits, try Royal Canin, Eagle Pack, or some people like Orijen as well. change gradually, feed more raw meat on the bone and your dogs wont be hungry :p

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Thanks guys. They get a mixture of science diet and super coat biscuits. Every Sunday they each get a nice big bone and are both put into the yard so that i can clean the house without being pestered, maybe I should give a couple more bones during the week?

Thanks for the info about the brocoli, i didn't realise it was so bad for them! Someone (can remember who) told me that brocoli was fine. Will stop giving them that though. I also heard that lamb is not good for them because it's too fatty. Is this right?

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go better both of those foods contain grains and low protein. You will save money in the long run going for a good food and it wont just go out the back end!

Bones are edible bones. Not big marrow bones, so small, chewable bones with meat and fat attached. Chicken carcasses are great, or necks, as you can pick them up cheap. Nah lamb is fine I have 3 dogs that eat chicken, lamb, and beef no one has problems. If they are hungry nothing wrong with fat!

remember dogs and people are different. Dogs need and LOVE a bit of fat on the meat (dont go overboard if its a huge chunk trim it down to avoid problems later or upset tummy) but most butchers offcuts are oddments, ends and mis-cut meat.

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