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Weird Vomiting And Squirts


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I have a rescue dog return to me 9 months after I rehomed him. He is happy lovely and heatly. But before I got him back his owner said he had had the squirts and after going to the vet they couldn't find a cause. (Hmm not sure this would be correct but I was told this)

Anyway, by the time he got to me he was constipated.

At no time was he off his tucker, looked or acted ill and in a few days he was back to normal with his bowels.

I had noticed occasionally that he would have a drink of water and then upon running would throw some out. I thought excess!!

BUT he hasin the last two days developed the spuirts again and now is vomiting, not heaving just up it comes suddenly. He is eating and drinking, actually drinking what I would think too much, but otherwise happy and healthy looking.

The only thing I know he has eaten that he shouldn't is what is in the cat tray LOL!! :rofl: and maybe the litter a wood based product may be causing it! I will be more careful with the litter tray areas but he is quick!

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put him on a bland diet and start introducing foods from there. He may be sensitive to something but being a piggy just keeps eating.

Got one of those here I think he could be on deaths door and still be a canine vacuum cleaner

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