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Dogs can be fed just about any vegetable in small amounts, but large amounts will cause gas and loose poo as dogs don't digest them very well. Vegies such as peas, corn and carrot come out the other end in exactly the same form as they went in. I only ever feed vegetables if there are some left over and that's not very often, IMO they are not something that dogs need to eat on a regular basis if at all. Do not feed onions as they can be harmful to dogs.

I think I read in another thread that you are trying to put weight on your dog? If this is the case vegetables won't help at all, being high in fibre they make a dog feel full, but certainly won't make it gain weight, probably just the opposite as by making the dog feel full it may tend to eat even less than usual.

Edited by Miranda
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Have you tried satin balls? There's a recipe on DOL somewhere.

yes but she only ate them for the first day, i dont think she likes them after they have been frozen. So what i have just started doing is mixing a small amount of the ingredience together and mixing it with rice for her that night so its fresh.

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