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Boredom Busters


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We have a 5.5 month old spaniel whom due to the area we live in and being a show dog (i.e not desexed), must remain indoors for his own protection. (There have been reports of undesexed dogs being stolen. God knows what happens to them...)

We have created a large puppy 'pen' for him which is situated at the back of the house, on a tiled area and is 3m x 3m. We have tried to create the pen to be an exciting place, by tying toys to the gate for him to play with, rotating different toys - squeakys, soft toys, plastic bottles, etc on a regular basis. He also currently gets chicken wings frozen into a kong.

However, lately he has started to chew on the door frames (no surprises there). Of course we can see that this is due to boredom and ferverently wish we could allow him the freedom of the backyard, but fear that he would get stolen (we back on to a well used laneway and currently have low fences). Down the track we aim to enclose the carport to allow him more freedom, which we will also put in a clam sand pit and water clam for the summer time.

Upon doing research within this folder for 'boredom' I have been thinking about building a beam to run along the top of the ceiling and then dangling 'boredom busters' such as kongs stuffed with food, cardboard boxes and purchasing the home alone toy (biscuit ball on a bungee cord).

Besides doing any of the above, is there anything else (besides walking/training in the morning) we could try?

Looking forward to ideas.


Hi, my pup is a real chewer at moment but I wasted lots $ on kong style toys of every combination. He does however LOVE an empty plastic drink bottle which he uses as a football and spends +++ time trying to remove the screw cap. My previous dog loved them too and I put the liver treats inside and punched small airholes in it and presto! a cheap kong toy! Worth a try as all are different in their likes etc. but won't cost to try.

good luck :confused:

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I don't want to frighten you( :p ;) ) but my neighbours 2 cockers ATE her laundry, walls, doors , screen, skirting boards etc. and they were only in there for bed, the rest of the time with the 4 kids or her all day!!! so not bored.

:scold: Surely that's a 'puppy thing' not exclusive to the little cockers :)

Probably :laugh: but after over 40 years of dogs, all different breeds, I have NEVER ever come accross this level of destruction, EVER :rofl::eek:

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I know that you are looking for alternatives to keep your puppy mentally stimulated and it is great that you are mindful of the need to do so, but how long do you think you'll need to contain him in a 3m x 3m area and for what periods of time at any one stretch? That's not a very big space for a 5.5 month old who needs to stretch his legs and exercise throughout the day, IMO.

Hi Erny. Fair point. However, I know a lot of breeders keep their dogs in less room than this...not that I'm pointing any fingers, just stating a fact.

He has a play session with us around the yard for approximately 15 mins - this results in him running around and around...until it tires him out. (Not to the point of exhaustion though!)

Once we return from work he's taken on a quick paced walk for approximately 30-40 mins a day.

However, we are aware that it's a temporary solution. As I stated in my original posting, the plan is to enclose the car port down the track which will then allow him a lot more freedom to stretch his legs...hopefully this can be achieved before the middle of next year.

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:) What are 'soft' teeth ? Never heard about this. More info please ?

Learning something new here. I always thought puppies just had teeth, teething & they chewed things.

Christina, I'm not sure myself. We were just warned that the breed shouldn't be given hard bones as the teeth may crack/break etc.

I will see if I can find out...

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I have heard of soft teeth before... and being a show dog the last thing you want is for him to break one; that's why I would be weary of tying toys up a beam. I know of a dog whose owner used to tie his kongs in a crate to encourage the dog to go in by himself. All fine until the dog caught his tooth in the rope and broke it trying to pull free :)

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Frozen chicken/beef stock and water in kongs worked well for Riley when he was a pup.

Also we bought one of those kids shell sand pit/pools. Filled it up with sand, and hid treats etc in it.

Also found that roatating his toys weekly helped. It was like he got a new toy every month when I bought the ones that had been put away the longest out.

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Dumb question, but is it possible to lock Henschke inside the house while you're away? Maybe even only one or two rooms where he'll be safe. Having your smells around him all day may reduce his anxiousness. These stories of dogs destroying laundries when they're locked in there to sleep etc sound to me like they're sending a message they don't like being isolated rather than doing it out of boredom. Trying to escape back to their humans rather than twiddling their thumbs to pass the time, so to speak.

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Running him around the backyard for 15 minutes before leaving him alone for the day is more than likely adding to the level of destruction. All you are doing is hyping him up.....then leaving him with a body full of energy and nothing to take it out on except his surrounds.

Rather than try and wear him out with exercise, which you're clearly not doing.....how about an intensive 15 minutes of obedience or trick training? Get his mind tired and his body will follow. Keep the running around until you're home for a good long stretch and you can really tire him out properly.

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Toys and stuff can only entertain a dog for so long.I dont think youll be able to stop him going stir crazy if your keeping him in a little area indoors all day he must be bored out of his brain which is why hes started being destructive.If you look at it fom his point of view he sleeps all night and then gets 15 mins running round the yard and then hes locked in a little pen all day with nothing to look at but four walls.Id be making my fences higher and keeping him outside where he can run and play and chase birds and feel the sun I think youll find hed be much happier.

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Higher fences sound good so he can get out and about.

Or possibly a fully-enclosed run with padlock off the house with access to house via dog door?

There is a non-toxic product called McNasty spray available from www.petsonthepark.com.au which we have found to be very effective for dogs who chew things. It is in a spray bottle but is a bit like the human anti-nail biting spray - very unsavoury flavour but has been not so nasty as to still allow them to be happy to sleep on their beds without the need to redecorate them. Also been handy for the dog who persistently chews the collar off the other dog, dogs getting into the garbage, door frames, etc. Yet to try it on those who pull clothes off the line but that is on the list (by soaking an item with it and leaving it on the line).


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He is teething so the desire to chew is going to be irrestistable :laugh:

It's not necessarily boredom. Dogs chew. Teething dogs chew a lot! :laugh:

I'd try some bitter apple spray on the door frames and get him some hide chews and some nylabones.


My dog LOVES this:



Our bouncy bone arrived on Friday and has been put to good use!!!! Of course Olaf is the one who got the most of it (smart cookie) but Archie has been quite happy to chew on it whilst watching TV with me (Weird weather this week end so we didn't spend as much time outdoors as we should have). I think he is a bit of a lazy chewer, as he is very enthusiastic with he "easy" ring (the one that crumbles quite easily) but gets bored with the hard one... We'll need more practice!!!!

I thought I had all the toys in the world but obviously not! Luke, any other secrets you'd like to share? :laugh:

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I agree with Christina about the marrow bones, my dogs love them and can keep them entertained for weeks. They're also a cheap option and good for their teeth.

Another thing I've found usefull is to have a selection of lots of random types of toys (chew, soft, food type, sqeaky etc) and keep alternating them each day so they don't get sick of one type of toy.

Good luck with it.

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Thanks for all your replies.

Henschke is no longer contained only in the house. We've installed a doggy door and he now has free run of the backyard. We've put padlocks and chains on all fences and have realised that his health (due to freedom) is more important than us worrying about something happening to him.

We are also getting a new buddy for him to keep him company while we're at work. The two have met and got along well. I'm sure they will keep each other entertained.

We are getting a clam shell (one side with water the other sand) and will hang things from the building so the backyard will be like a fun park for both dogs.

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I've been following this thread....so glad Henschke now has a back yard to play in. You are not the only worry wart..... I tend to be too :thumbsup: ... but I'd have no luck keeping a GSP inside.

He will be so happy, when is the new buddy arriving? Sand pits are great,... we need photo's of him in his fun park :thumbsup:

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Congrats :love:

I'm sure Henschke and Sir Edmund will have a great time together!!!!

Good luck with a soggy spaniel in the sandpit though :rofl: (talking from experience :rofl: )

Yeah, I know...wherever there's water, Henschke is there. Will be good for him in the summer though. Will have to think of a way to cover it up when we come home, otherwise he won't be allowed in the house...

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I've been following this thread....so glad Henschke now has a back yard to play in. You are not the only worry wart..... I tend to be too :love: ... but I'd have no luck keeping a GSP inside.

He will be so happy, when is the new buddy arriving? Sand pits are great,... we need photo's of him in his fun park :rofl:

Hi VJB - we are picking up 'Sir Edmund (named after Sir Edmund Hillary, the first person to climb Mt Everest, as the new dog likes to climb as well) today. Can't wait.

Unfortunately, everyone has rushed to buy a clam shell, so that will have to wait until they restock!

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