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Fat Fat Fat Help To Get Weight Off A Giant Dog


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:cry: weighed Mega today and she weighed 76.5 kg which is probably 15 kg to much, also I wouldn't hazard a guess at Caesar's weight as it would scare anyone with a boxer and I would probably get reported to the RSPCA for animal cruelty.

I hadn't even notice Mega's weight going up.

has anyone put such a large breed on a diet and had success?

needs to be filling as they have good appetities.

currently they each get

1 chicken frame or piece of lamb flap for dinner

1 cup of RC kibble and 300gr chicken mince usually but beef mince sometimes for breakfast.

and youghurt sardines or eggs a couple of times a week.

should I change there kibble over to cooked vegeis

and what meat could I use that isn't as fatty but still has bone in it.

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The chicken frames are good, but lamb is quite fatty. I would change the dry for some veggies - have you got a juicer you can pulp them in? That way they are getting a filler added that is low in calories :cry:

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The chicken frames are good, but lamb is quite fatty. I would change the dry for some veggies - have you got a juicer you can pulp them in? That way they are getting a filler added that is low in calories :cry:

thanks huga

do you mean take the juice out of the vege and just feed the fibre that is left. I think my new food processor came with one.

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Can't you just cut the amounts? Yeah, they are going to be hungry. Dogs should be hungry :cry:

I'd be concerned about missing out on nutrition by substituting 'real' food for fillers.

Slowly reduce the amount of mince until it's zero. Monitor the weight so they don't drop it too quickly.

Alternatively, take them to your vet and get a vet's advice.

Edited by Luke W
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Hey There! Newnewf has done great things with Chief - adopted Newfoundland! But also pumkin/sweet potato are great to keep a dog feeling full but as no fat/little carbs will help strip weight. There was a thread in the general topic with in the last week about Pumpkin! Also cut back on bones if you do feed them partucularly marrow!

Sorry just re read - having a blonde moment.

A chicken frame or turkey neck or even roo tails are great for dinner but i would cut the mince straight away to 100grm with 1 cup kibble and add a vegies instead for brekky. Then as luke said get rid of the mince altoghether whilst uping the vegies! Good luck!

Another edit - I personally mashed sweet potato and put it into 200 grm container (not quite full) cause I did 3 s'potatos at a time so I have a three days supply in the fridge!

Edited by First Time Puppy Owner
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Hey There! Newnewf has done great things with Chief - adopted Newfoundland! But also pumkin/sweet potato are great to keep a dog feeling full but as no fat/little carbs will help strip weight. There was a thread in the general topic with in the last week about Pumpkin! Also cut back on bones if you do feed them partucularly marrow!

Sorry just re read - having a blonde moment.

A chicken frame or turkey neck or even roo tails are great for dinner but i would cut the mince straight away to 100grm with 1 cup kibble and add a vegies instead for brekky. Then as luke said get rid of the mince altoghether whilst uping the vegies! Good luck!

Another edit - I personally mashed sweet potato and put it into 200 grm container (not quite full) cause I did 3 s'potatos at a time so I have a three days supply in the fridge!


Do a search for Pumpkin, you'll find quite a few weightloss threads.

Go slow, coz they got fat slow obviously if you didn't notice the weight. And just increase the amount of exercise a little as well.

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Definitely get rid of the Lamb Flaps they are very fatty and I sometimes do feed them If I have a very thin dog, the only other thing that will def work it worked with my wee dog who was overweight is a good walk everyday I know Mega probably cant go far but for Ceaser it would work :cry:

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The chicken frames are good, but lamb is quite fatty. I would change the dry for some veggies - have you got a juicer you can pulp them in? That way they are getting a filler added that is low in calories :cry:

thanks huga

do you mean take the juice out of the vege and just feed the fibre that is left. I think my new food processor came with one.

I know everyone does it differently, but I juice everything and save the pulp, then add a bit of the juice back in so it's a bit sloppy. Then I just freezer bag it in with their frames or whatever (in their portion sizes). So every morning I get 2 Harry and Lola sized portions out of the freezer (one for brekky, one for dinner).

Another idea is to give them most (or all) of their meal in the morning - that way they have the whole day to burn it off.

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best stripping diet

1 carcass each for afternoon tea

a couple of cups of brown/white rice mixed boiled with carrot, brocolli stems, lettuce leaves, stock cube, zuchinni, celery etc whatever is leftover. Dont go the best bits give the left overs!

now when they get the rice they get it all cooked up, pour some warm water over it to make a soup. Fills them up and they are not hungry.

If they are, tough. Dont worry about them it can take their stomachs a while to shrink down but the cooked rice in a soup form will fill them up no worries.

They will lose weight in no time. If they dont then give them half a carcass instead of a whole. You can add some flax seed oil to their rice mix to keep their coats nice and shiny.

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First question, how active are the dogs?

If they aren't get them moving. That amount of food for a giant dog is not alot.

They need exercise as well as a balanced diet

Swimming is great if they are that overweight to help with mobility

Can you take them for a longer walk or 2 a day?

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Scout my rottie has been on a "eating plan" since Jan this year. She has lost 10kilos.

She was about 52.2kilos something like that in Jan 2008. Now she is a smaller dog of 42kilos. She has been put on RC but gets a measly (sp) 150grams in morning and 150grams at night. Both meals soaked in water. Cabbage and rice and carrots when available. She also gets a bone once a week or one bag of 4 chicken carcass spread over that week.

Scout however has sereve mobility problems so we have found it very hard to get the weight off her. However the vet is very pleased with her shape and movement.

Good luck with it


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Unless the dog is a lazy one i wouldnt consider that diet to be over the top,infcat mine would be under weight on that.

Does the dog pinch the others meals??

Caesar is a food theif and finishes of Nala's food when ever she leaves any. Mega never touches the other bowls and is very seditory

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Unless the dog is a lazy one i wouldnt consider that diet to be over the top,infcat mine would be under weight on that.

Does the dog pinch the others meals??

Caesar is a food theif and finishes of Nala's food when ever she leaves any. Mega never touches the other bowls and is very seditory

Arghhh that could be Caesar main problem then, feed him away from the others in his crate and then put the left overs away before he comes out.

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Unless the dog is a lazy one i wouldnt consider that diet to be over the top,infcat mine would be under weight on that.

Does the dog pinch the others meals??

Caesar is a food theif and finishes of Nala's food when ever she leaves any. Mega never touches the other bowls and is very seditory

Arghhh that could be Caesar main problem then, feed him away from the others in his crate and then put the left overs away before he comes out.

yep started this morning I put my foot down and said no and took away all left overs, he looked heart broken but I will be strong. mega's weight on the weekend really frightened me and I have not weighed Caesar in months and not sure I want too atm.

he did give me a dirty look when he got vegies and a bit of roo meat and mega wasn't too impressed either. mind you they could both go a couple of days without food like Nala does from time to time, she just self fasts occassionally especially if its hot.

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i still feed two meals a day even when dieting, no sense in decreasing the food then making them wait twice as long. Then they start stealing or fighting.

keep the food the same every day, as much as you can. Chop change days dont work as my grandmother 12kg jack russell can attest to :thumbsup:

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