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Puppy Eating Rancid Meat


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I feed my 9 month old puppy BARF. He often stores bones away, as all dogs do. Tonight, I found him eating an old chicken wing - it was craaling with maggots. Now I'm sure that it's okay, he's a dog after all, and he seemed to be enjoying it, while I gagged and ran inside....but, is this okay for a dog to eat? Often dog food websites say "no rancid food"

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I'd remove the rancid bone but wouldn't worry too much about it. Just keep your eye on him and be on the look out for any possible tummy upset.

thanks...he is bouncing around happily...more worried by my tummy upsets as a result of it :-)

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Dogs do tend to eat things like that. Mostly there are no problems. Occasionally one will have an upset tummy. Just keep an eye on him, but he should be fine.

Years ago, mine kept bringing home some rather disgusting green meat which was crawling. It was so yummy, they all fought over it - I knew when they had it, I could smell it from inside. Turned out to be a dead shark the bloke over the road was keeping in his back yard (don't EVEN ask!!). Dogs were all ok, although I believed it would have served them right if they had been horribly ill!!

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:laugh: Back in the days when dogs 'free roamed' they'd often come home with someone else's bone they'd found or dug up. Heaven's knows how OLD some of those things were. Like Jed describes, they were often a funny shade of green. Don't even think we bothered to take them from them. Just screwed up our faces, made disgusted noises, said how we were glad we weren't dogs and left them to their enjoyment. Absolutely no illnesses ever arose from those occasions. Mind you, back in those days it was pretty common to feed dogs the juicy cooked bones from the Sunday roast :laugh:. Would never do it now, but we never did have any problems then either. Must have just been lucky :mad. Edited by Erny
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