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My Puppy Just Lurched At Me Over Food Bowl!


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You have to TELL the dog what to do,not ask it. I can stop Indie from running in the back door even at zoomie time,and she goes CRAZY with Zoomies lol,but all I have to do is raise my finger and she knows that means to stop.

Halle has never run in the back door uninvited. She learnt this from a very early age. I can walk around the whole house with her sitting at the open door and she won't come in until told so.

The FIRST thing I'd want to know is exactly what were the feeding arrangements at the other place?

Was this youngster suddenly subjected to competition for food? Has it learned that food is to be defended or lost? Were meal times stressful for it?

Halle and the other dog were separated at every meal time. One was fed inside, one was fed outside. I think, in fact, it could be that she has become used to eating entirely on her own-without any human nearby at all. That just doesn't explain why she only reacted that way with me and not my partner .

Thankyou Wobbly.. I will be in touch with him soon!

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sorry,i wasnt referring to the doort thing being an issue for you,i was using it as an example.

I remember walking some dogs at a shelter who i thought were lovely to walk only to hear others say what a horror they were.

As someone else suggested,perhaps you watch how your partner interacts with your dog and see where the differences are

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