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Obedience Challenge #3


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Challenge #3 - the Retrieve :)

Most of our dogs fetch things - but do they respond to a verbal cue or a signal cue? Does it matter what the verbal cue is?

For this challenge I want you to use a toy or an object the dog hasn't had access to for a couple of weeks. You will be sending the dog to get this object 3 times. I am not interested how the dog presents, only if it picks the toy up and comes back to you.

Leave the dog inside and go and place the toy outside on the ground.

Take the dog outside and place the dog in a sit in heel position about 7m from the toy

1. The first time - you will use only a signal to send the dog for the toy (so keep you mouth shut) :) .

Let us know if the dog fetches the toy or not.

2. The second retrieve - place the toy on the ground, set the dog up sitting at heel 7m away from it and this time use a signal and the verbal word "challenge" only. It is a word the dog would have no idea of its meaning. :)

Let us know if the dog fetches the toy.

3. Finally place the toy on the ground, set the dog up at heel 7m away from it and this time use a verbal only fetch command. Once again let us know the results. :rofl:

OOps - edited x 2 because #2 is a signal + a word they don't know # 3 is a verbal only

Sorry this challenge excludes dogs that don't retrieve :laugh:

Edited by Ptolomy
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Will try this over the weekend! Though I know now the only chance we have of this one working is using the signal and command as Ruby has only been retrieving for a few months now. Took me ages to teach her to hold the damn thing :) But the rest fell into place after that!

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What about a voice command only? All 3 of your excersises have a hand signal in them so the dog could fetch all 3 times on the hand signal regardless of what the voice command was.

I will try this tomorrow but with number 3 will just use the voice command.

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Janba, number 2 is voice only

Just tried this with a squeaky toy retrieve,

1. First hand signal, I did it a bit fast and she just looked at me, slowed it down and she gave me a great recall, but stood to present (I know we're not including presents but wonder why she did it, she knows to sit?!)

2. Perfect retrieve, stand to present

3. Perfect retrieve, once again stand to present


So I guess she is slightly better on vocal, but not sure if that was my speed

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Tried it with Ness and Kenze.

Ness only nailed the third one and probably thought it was some weird kind of proofing exercise :) . Kenzie also only nailed the last one which is funny because she has no verbal command to retrieve but obviously has picked up on Ness's commands. I might give it another go when I am functioning a bit better then I am at 6:30 in the morning :) .

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Well I'm not even going to bother with Jedi because his retrieve is non-existent! So I know that he'll just look at me and go "huh?" ???

I'll try it with Ahsoka because she may fluke it! She likes to play fetch but I haven't done formal retrieves with her.

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New Rules - different toy - fleecy tug this time.

Both girls went and got it all 3 times with the same level of enthusiasm. Ness did her proper presents as she would on a retrieve and Kenzie returned the toy to me (but she doesn't have a formal front yet).

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OK this was a very interesting challenge (especially with 4 month old Dee in tow :o )

Bugger just saw that the rules had changed

Well here are the results for the first attempt

1. Signal only - Baylee got up and took a few steps in the direction of the air kong fetch stick, then stopped and looked at me as if to say "am I doing the right thing?" Called her back and then sent her out again with only the signal. This time she went straight out and brought it back, with no sit just standing there holding it in her mouth.

2. Unfamiliar word "challenge" - Baylee again got up and took a few steps towards the toy, only to stop and look at me with the What The expression. I called her back, sat her at heel and said "challenge" again. Off she went to retrieve the toy and straight back in, with no sit just standing there holding it in her mouth.

3. Usual verbal and visual command - Baylee went straight out, retrieved the toy and came straight back in, with no sit just standing there holding it in her mouth. We have been working on sit and hold :(

Now off to do the new version :o

Well a very interesting result :cheer:

1. Signal only - Baylee went straight out, retrieved the toy and came straight back in :rofl:

2. Signal and unknown verbal word - Again Baylee went straight out and brought the toy straight back.

3. Familiar verb "fetch" only - Baylee did not move, just sat there looking at me for a signal looking confused :wave:

So this indicates that Baylee works on visual cues predominantly.

I know she is very hand focused. If you don't line your hand up with the tunnel properly she smashes into the tunnel :eek:

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Can tell you exactly what will happen before I even attempt it. She won't go leave seated at heel position on any except the 3rd one.

Darcy is such a keen retrieve nut that I never bothered putting a hand signal or verbal command on her retrieve, it is simply her standard release word "OK". If she doesn't hear the release word then she won't go.

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Well, my 16 week old puppy ran out to the dumbbell, gripped it in her mouth, moved it and lifted it off the ground slightly and then laid down in front of it! That's about as far as we have got with our training - going to the dumbbell and mouthing it, so I'm happy!

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1 - hesitated at first but after a second command did a perfect fetch

2 - I forgot the signal and just said a strange word and she still took off toward the item

3 - hesitated at first (probably because I'd just been telling her off for going after the item!) but did a perfect recall after a second command

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Won't bother with the test as I already know that Jarrah is better at signals than verbals. Although I don't think that for him in this case there would be any difference, he would retrieve something if you called "rhubarb" once he had done it the first time :eek: . Absolutely crazy about retrieving.

I have worked alot on verbals only for dancing, some moves (around, weave, fig 8) he is very strong on & only needs the one command & he will continue repeating them until I stop him, others he is still learning to respond to verbal only plus building duration. But I always have to be very careful with my hands & body language as he will swap quicker than you can blink if he thinks he sees a signal for a different move :) .

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