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Rash On Tummy


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Hi DOLers,

just wondering if anyone can offer some advice on what to do about a rash on my 7 month old puppy Molly's tummy. About a week ago I noticed she had a raised red dot on the inner thigh of her back leg, it looked like a bite, so didn't worry too much, though yesterday I noticed she now has red spots (some of them raised bumps) all over her tummy!

She is often outside chewing on bones she has left for a few hours that are covered in ants, so I thought perhaps she had been attacked by them, though today when I looked there seem to be more dots and they seem to be more raised. She doesn't seem to be itching at all, and the bumps seem to be on the inside of her front legs now too (where she has lots of hair). Could this be an allergy? She doesn't have fleas so maybe it's something I'm feeding her? I'm now washing all of her bedding incase there is something in there, and not sure whether to bath her (will the dog shampoo irritate it?).

Molly is a miniature Aussie Bulldog - not sure if this is a common bulldog specific problem?

Thankyou for any help you can offer, thought it best to ask first before racing her off to the vets again!

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A miniature Aussie Bulldog? Interesting, do you have a photo?

If it helps, when my French Bulldog was around 6 months old he developed a rash which sounded very similar to your pups, it didn't bother him, and he never scratched at it. It was mainly under his armpits, leg, belly/side area. The vet informed me that it was a low grade allergy and could be cleared up with antibiotics- my dog couldn't take them at the time, in the meantime though I switched his food over to a brand that was for sensitive skin and it went away! He doesn't eat that particular brand anymore and I haven't had his rash come back either.

If it is or isn't an allergy, I would take your pup to the vet to get checked out anyway :rofl:

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A miniature Aussie Bulldog? Interesting, do you have a photo?

If it helps, when my French Bulldog was around 6 months old he developed a rash which sounded very similar to your pups, it didn't bother him, and he never scratched at it. It was mainly under his armpits, leg, belly/side area. The vet informed me that it was a low grade allergy and could be cleared up with antibiotics- my dog couldn't take them at the time, in the meantime though I switched his food over to a brand that was for sensitive skin and it went away! He doesn't eat that particular brand anymore and I haven't had his rash come back either.

I'm thinking it may be something I'm feeding her - I've been using Innova to date but have just ordered a bag of Orijen today. Will go back to basic food I guess and monitor it over the next few days, if it gets any worse we'll be off to the vets! I'll attach a pic of Miss Molly for you to see - if you google 'Miniature Aussie Bulldog' there is a website with pics and breeders etc. It's only a relatively new breed, but we're already hooked! About to get a male pup in a few weeks!

thanks for your help :banghead:


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hey yeaha it not something that only certin breeds get as my dogs a GSD and had that problem as well i went to the vet he gave me a cream ill try digg it up and give you the name but it was realli effective overnight it realli cleared up and the day after it was gone ??

i not 100% he said something about inflamation??..........

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We've been off to the vets and she has some kind of infection and now she's on antibiotics the poor little love! She even had little lumps on her ears and on top of her head. The vet wasn't too sure about what caused it, but lets hope the antibiotics fix it. Poor little girl, I feel helpless without knowing what's caused it, I just want to fix it for her and make sure it doesn't happen again. If only dogs could talk!

Thanks for your help guys!

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Not to burst your bubble or anything but there isn't such a breed as your dog, your dog is a cross breed. These are the only recognised Dog Breeds in Australia: http://www.dogzonline.com.au/breeds/list.asp

Head to the Vets :thumbsup:

SAS, thanks for your advice on my breed not being recognised in Australia, though that was not the point of my initial post and I don't think it helps solve my problem. I have already been to the vets as per my last post, and we are working on the problem to date.

I understand this breed is not yet recognised in Australia as it is still in it's infancy (having only started breeding since 2001), and I am fully aware of that. Initially (at least 4 generations or more ago according to paperwork I have) there would have been the crossing of two or more breeds to get the desired size and facial features of a MAB, but I guess if you go back far enough in time in almost all breeds this would be the case (even Danes, though we are talking hundreds of years!) :love:

Anyway, I guess if she's not recognised officially then technically she is a cross breed, technically! But I still love her nonetheless and want to help her rash go away, which is why I'm here! Thanks everyone for all your advice so far, fingers crossed my girl recovers quickly! :o

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