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Small Brag

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Hey All

Yesterday we took the dogs to Lure Coursing, with the expectations of Boss and Bella having no interest in it.

We got there at 8:15am and then it was time for the puppy run, to see if they will chase the lure and sure enough they did! So then we waited for our turn to do a full course and we watched the other Ridgebacks, they were awesome did not think we would have a chance! Then we had our turn and Boss and Bella loved it. Then our second turn came around and they were getting excited and just wanted to get out there.

Boss unfortunately had to stop because he hurt his leg :rofl: but hes ok now. AND THEN Bella had her turn and she did really really well, everyone was surprised. We had to leave to finish moving house so we didn't get to find the results out. But we had 2 phone calls congratulating us because Bella CAME FIRST with a whopping 170 points second place got 160 points, Bella was only 2 points off getting the best in group for hounds :thumbsup:

We are so proud of our little girl :rolleyes:

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