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Obedience Challenge


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Sexy Lexi had an obedience lesson on Thursday with one of the gurus and we were working on focus. Basically for a trialling dog if you line up at the start post and the dog is not attentive - then really it is all down hill from there.

So for this challenge you will need a start post/peg, a watch or stopwatch, a lead and a dog.

Put out a start post/peg in a familiar environment eg front lawn, training oval etc

Make sure you have no food/toys on you whatsoever

Put the dog on lead and walk to the start post (so this is similar to what happens at a trial)

Line the dog up (so you can tell it to get in, line up heel etc (but that is the last time you will say anything to your dog)

Remove the lead and throw it on the ground behind or next to you (eg the same as giving the lead to a steward)

Start timing the moment the dog looks at you after you have thrown the lead away and stop timing the moment the dog looks away. The exercise is now over.

You get one shot only and no cheating!

Now post your results, your dogs age, breed, any obedience titles and how the dog is trained eg food, clicker etc

It is harder than you think! :laugh:

Edited by Ptolomy
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Why are you up at 2am thinking about this? :laugh:

Ok just did it, how embarassing, not very good

Ed, staffordshire bull terrier, has CCD, currently in drive training program, previously clicker, correction, you name it I've tried it

Molly, staffordshire bull terrier, has CCD, currently using kinda positive drivey type stuff, previously same as Ed

Just walked up and said sit

Ed 4.2 seconds,

Molly 3.7 seconds

Next time I thought in the ring I dont just say sit, I say watch, so tried it with watch, only said once, then nothing said after that

Ed 37 seconds

Molly 6 seconds

Edited by shoemonster
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Hahaha my older girl was embarassing but I also tried it with my 7 month old BC pup who has only been positively trained but not as much as I could have as we have mainly just focussed on playing.

Well first thing is she is rarely on-lead when we start a training session but that was ok. She heeled up to the cone I was using as a start peg, bouncing. Set her up at heel, remove lead and throw lead away. Kenzie says mum the lead isn't suppose to be on the ground so she goes and picks it up and returns it to me wanting to play :laugh: . Ok we put the lead in my pocket.

Set her up and she gives immediate attention so no waiting around to start the stop watch. 8 seconds later she is still focussing on me 110% but we haven't done any non-moving duration exercises yet so no real stay practice and after 8 seconds of sitting there she wanted to know why we weren't moving so she thought she would bounce up at my to create a bit of action :laugh: .

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I just tried it with Cole - 22 months BC, has done puppy preshool, a Jo Hill clinic as a pup, and been to obedience training a couple of dozen times, I do a bit of clicker training with him for mental stimulation and does know a watch command. Has had a lot of herding training so is used to working as a team.

He did 26 seconds then jumped up on me still looking at my face.

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Do you mean for them to focus even when you look straight ahead instead of looking at them?

Yes, this thread has given me something to plan for. Although my dogs have generally got good focus, (that is a regular part of our training), we don't generally train for the start peg specifically.

Makes perfect sense.

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Ha, think I'm going to have to work on focus.

DIDN"T EVEN START THE CLOCK!! As soon as the lead clicked the dog was gone........................

She's a one year old GSD. Conditioned to 'yes' and rewards usally treats and a toy.

Now to start on focusing,

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Pug. C.D.X. Clicker trained, mostly.

60 secs then I felt sorry for her so I stopped lol

At about 40 secs she started slighty whining in anticipation.

Ha, think I'm going to have to work on focus.

DIDN"T EVEN START THE CLOCK!! As soon as the lead clicked the dog was gone........................

She's a one year old GSD. Conditioned to 'yes' and rewards usally treats and a toy.

Now to start on focusing,

:laugh: *little tearies*

Funny you have brought this up, Ptolomy - this is the main reason why I haven't started trialling Zig yet. His focus is beautiful once we get there, but he takes quite a bit to warm up. Too busy doing stats (plus I have 2 cats on my lap) to try it now but I think I might start writing down some times for inspiration :laugh:

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Come on we must have a few more of you out there who can give this a go. I have a theory about dogs being able to sit and pay attention and I need a few more results before I can say I am right or wrong.

I went to the oval with my mate Zoe and her toller kids. All her kids are clicker and food trained.

Jaffa toller 4 years, needs one more leg for her CDX managed 5 seconds

River toller 2 1/2, is now in open at no stage looked at Zoe so 0 seconds

Lana toller 1 this week, a long way from trialling managed 19 seconds.

My results surprised me.....

Lexi toller 2 1/2 years (Rivers sister) needs one more leg for her CD manged 5 seconds

Scoota, toller 5 years, OC (which means occassionally clever) managed 15 seconds

Beans, toller 3 years, needs one more leg for her CDX, really surprised me and did 26 seconds.

Blaize, toller nearly 8 physically ? mentally, has her UD did 27 seconds, but at 22 seconds she stood backed up, but still kept looking at me.

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While having your guru lessons, do they teach their dogs a one way focus? Or is all of their focus work eye to eye?

Dogdude - I was specifically looking for eye contact from lexi as that is how she has been taught to heel The weekend before when I was trialling her idea of heel position was anywhere within a 10 m radius of me and she was sooooo very very distracted. Zoe was with me and she has more of a problem with River than what I have - which got us discussing with the guru and the fact that all of the gurus obedience dogs can give her eye contact for at least a minute while sitting at the start peg.

I then commented that Lexi has to line up and give me attention before she gets her dinner and she can give me a minute easily, however it appears that the food is her cue to work, so take away the food and the cue words and she really has no idea.

So for those who have done the exercise - try it again - but this time let the dog see you grab some food and see if the results improve.

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So Janba in 15 months with little training I can expect the response I am getting now to extend another 18 seconds :laugh: .

Maybe if you are lucky :laugh:

If I could get the same focus on me as he has on sheep I would be ecstatic.

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I know nothing of start pegs or such things :laugh:

However- I walked Hamlet to a stick(no lead- don't have one ) to mark a spot- got him sitting..and then waited- he watched me for about 25 seconds..

he is a kooliexcocker-6 y o - done absolutely no formal obedience..is just a free-range idiot :laugh:

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Ptolomy do you ever play that game with your dogs where you hold a treat in each hand with arms outstretched and pay for looking at you and not the food?


I usually play this game early on when I am teaching them focus - have to admit that I haven't done it for a while with lexi BUT - its a bit like when I throw toys and open treat boxes around where I am working and then ask the guys to heel around them - they know they are being set up and don't take their eyes off me.

Mel go and get Geordie out and see what he does.

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