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Question On Herding Titles


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Have a silly question for you herding people out there.......... :)

I attended a herding rule review night earlier this year. I was told on this night that there would not longer be a Herding Instinct Title. Replacing the title would be a Certificate, a Herding Instinct Certificate.

I was also told that you would not be required to submit any paper work to Dog Victoria and your dog would no longer get letters at the end of it's name like it had for the Title.

I have been surfing the web and have noticed a number of dogs that I know do herding with HIC next to their names. Is this correct or just something people are putting at the end of their dogs names for the "look" of it. I was just wondering as one of my dogs has her Certificate but I have not received anything for Dogs Victoria showning a change in her registered name.

Thanks for your help


Edited by RachelleBuck
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The Herding Instinct Certificate is the first "level", and no you dont receive a Certificate for this (believe it used to be called the HIT).

The next step is the Herding Test, and from this level on you can apply to the State Canine Control Bodies for a certificate at which time you can add to their names. e.g. Hesa Panda Bear HT, PT etc etc

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HIC(HIT) hasn't been a title for at least 3 years. Before that you could apply for and get a title.

Now you just have to have one pass at the instinct certificate to go onto the herding test (HT) which is not compulsory or the pre trial (PT) which is compulsory. A lot of trials now let you do the HIC then move up and do the HT or PT on the same day.

You can still get a HIC certificate if you want to pay for it.

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hey guys while where on the herding subject...

just wondering where the best place is to find out where herding trials are held... i am from Gympie in QLD and never seem to hear of any ANKC trials... i would like to enter my guys in a few next year... so any info is good info..


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