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Whats Best For A 16 Week Pup.

Guest english.ivy

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Guest june.andnovas

Ivy is 16 weeks this sunday and I've had a lot of trouble with puppy kindy, due to her age. Everywhere I have tried won't take her in. Went to one place and they were horrid. So I will not go back.

She is a little unsure of new dogs she hasn't met but after a few meetings shes great. Her and my parents pointer (who is three times her size) get along really well! She gets so excited when we get out of the car at my parents, jumps around and can't wait to see Jaffa. So I'm certian she hasn't got a dog issue. She's just unsure of new dogs, like me, I'm unsure of new people I meet. She was also brought up with a big family of dogs with the breeder.

So what would be the best option? There is a highly recommed obedience class near me which is my only option at the moment and I'm leaning towards taking her there but that will be all on leash work. She is a very smart pup aswell. Well behaved.

Is this a good way for Ivy to meet new dogs? Would she feel safer being in a controlled situation? Rather than off leash where dogs can come running at her. Then invite dogs to my place/park for playtime?

I live in Belmont, Perth btw.

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Is this a good way for Ivy to meet new dogs? Would she feel safer being in a controlled situation? Rather than off leash where dogs can come running at her. Then invite dogs to my place/park for playtime?

Not just a good way.. the only recommended way. Unless you want your uncertain puppy exposed to dogs in situations that are uncontrolled, classes and play dates are the only way to go I'm afraid.

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Agree with PF. On lead in a controlled environment is the way to go.

My previous (avatar) girl had dog/dog issues. She was fine with dogs she came to know. But not fine with unfamiliar dogs. (Although with work in controlled situations improved on that greatly.) There's a difference between the two and being ok with the former doesn't mean there is an absence of dog/dog issues.

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Guest june.andnovas

Thought so. I will go monday evening and book her in. This place has been recommeded by two different people and the fees are really good. $50 a year and $3 a night for the winter lighting.

A new year starts this monday so it's good timing. and she is having her 16 week vacc either today or tomorrow so will be safe to be in a park.

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Guest june.andnovas
A new year starts this monday so it's good timing.

All the training clubs in Perth I've spoken to finish this month for the summer, have you found one that isn't?

Yeah I'm pretty sure this one in Cloverdale runs all year. Someone who used to go (her dog got HD and now can't go) told me each year begins nov 3rd. It's run from 7-8pm so cooler in the summer.

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Thought so. I will go monday evening and book her in. This place has been recommeded by two different people and the fees are really good. $50 a year and $3 a night for the winter lighting.

A new year starts this monday so it's good timing. and she is having her 16 week vacc either today or tomorrow so will be safe to be in a park.

I don't go for the 3rd puppy vaccination nor do I follow the common protocol of not going out until the whole series of vaccinations have been given. But regardless, I keep pup away from any dog populated areas (and for that matter, away from any situation that might be stressful) for a full 7 days following each vaccination that is given. The vaccination causes a load on their immune system and hence they would (IMO) be the most susceptible to picking up things during that period, until their system is fully back on track again.

But then your pup's 16 weeks and if not past then very close to the closing of the 'critical' period. So it's a bit of a toss up. I'd be inclined to delay her vacc to after you go to club, if you can, that way you can at least start on rehabilitation technique.

Edited by Erny
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Guest june.andnovas

Thats another question I had, off topic. I'm quite against yearly vacc and don't want to inject Ivy with anything she doesn't seriously need. She was raised from day one by her mum and had a healthy upbrining 100% raw.

Personally I would prefer not to get her last vacc but is it a good idea to just get the basic one? If so which would that be? She had all of the others.

My kitten never got all of her needles and shes' perfect.

Edit: I would have to have proof of a 16 week vacc to be allowed to join the canine club, is that correct? So I guess she will have to have it.

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Guest june.andnovas
Proof of one after the puppy vaccination is all our club requires.

which week/age vacc are you referring to?

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Thats another question I had, off topic. I'm quite against yearly vacc and don't want to inject Ivy with anything she doesn't seriously need. She was raised from day one by her mum and had a healthy upbrining 100% raw.

Personally I would prefer not to get her last vacc but is it a good idea to just get the basic one? If so which would that be? She had all of the others.

My kitten never got all of her needles and shes' perfect.

Edit: I would have to have proof of a 16 week vacc to be allowed to join the canine club, is that correct? So I guess she will have to have it.

I would do the last vacc and then titre to check immunity.

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My girl is from a WA breeder and I went with her recommendation which was one after the age of 12 weeks. This is taken straight from our club website:

Our club conducts Basic Obedience training from Puppy fun classes (for pups aged from approximately 14 weeks, or as soon as their second vaccinations have taken effect, until 6 months of age)

So that would be from when the second vaccinations have taken effect (regardless of age as I know you can get one that is effective at 10 weeks).

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I would do the last vacc and then titre to check immunity.

Although if the OP is going to allow for the "down time" period after that vacc, it means her pup doesn't begin the socialisation it very much needs until at least 17 weeks.

ETA: HERE's a link to a thread running in "General" on the topic of vaccines and vaccination protocols, for any who haven't seen it and who are interested.

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I would do the last vacc and then titre to check immunity.

Although if the OP is going to allow for the "down time" period after that vacc, it means her pup doesn't begin the socialisation it very much needs until at least 17 weeks.

I meant as a vacc schedule Erny.. not necessarily to wait until the last one.

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Oh .... I getcha now PF :thumbsup:

My pup had his first C3 at 6.5 weeks and then his second (and final puppy) C3 at 12 weeks. I socialised in between and after, allowing only the 7 day period after each during which time I steered clear of dog populated areas and what I thought would be more stressful situations for him. He did not visit a "dog park" (albeit a quiet one) as such until 2 weeks following the last C3. Most of the socialisation comprised on non-doggy events (train travel; bus travel; sights/sounds building up to CBD Melbourne visit; Tullamarine Airport; Street-side Cafe visits; etc. etc.) but puppy school and select social visits with friends' dogs have been regular throughout (save for that 7 day period I mention).

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Guest june.andnovas

Read that link but it still doesn't make much sense :thumbsup:

Guess it is a personal chioce to do the last one or not! So what do they actually vacc against at 16 weeks?

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