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Eye Problem


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Our 5 month old pup is currently teething. He is currently losing all the teeth from both sides of his lower jaw - from his back molars (the large ones) to the canines and it seems to be causing quite a bit of discomfort.

When he was losing the other teeth (front and canines), he wouldn't stop chewing. Now he doesn't want to chew unless it's soft and the area looks red and sore.

Our main concern are his eyes - especially his right one. The inside lid (whatever it's called) is closing up over the eye and his eye looks really red and sore. He's not scratching at his eye or rubbing his face in the carpet, nor is there excessive weeping. Last night the inner lid closed up near all the way over the eye (like it happens when they're asleep) and he was squinting.

Both eyes are looking red and he constantly looks tired. Attached is a photo of his right eye and you can just see the 'inner lid' closing near his pupil. The other photo is a picture (albeit bit blurry) of both red eyes.

We are taking him to the vet today just to be on the safe side, but I just wanted to ask if other people have had this problem and is it related to his teething? Is he just having a rough trot with losing teeth?




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Hi all. Just came back from the vet and he thinks it was grass seed irritation. He checked for ulcers and thankfully he's clear. He's got some cream to clear up his eyes and we'll see how he goes tomorrow on whether we can show him.

He doesn't think it's conjuctivitis because of the colour of the discharge (normal teething gunk) and also becuase his eyes aren't itchy.

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