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Eagle Pack Power Vs Great Barko


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What is wrong with this country?????????? Why don't we have ONE decent pet food manufactured here. The government/people shouldn't complain about pet owners "wasting resources" by buying imported pet foods when we have zero choice available here to choose from :laugh:

Further they should relax our quarantine restrictions,so getting in pet foods/supplements isn't so damn difficult.

Ooh this subject makes me steam :laugh:

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Must admit...i wish they did a cat food - i'd love to try it on the kitties since they will try and steal the UncleAlbers given half a chance :)

Yeah I wish they did a cat food too. I'd definitely give it a whirl! Especially if it was available in 22kg bags :eek:

I've got my cats on Proplan, and a 3.6kg container only lasts a week feeding 4 cats. Less if we also have hungry, hungry kittens. :laugh:


Edited by witheverythingiam
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Have you cat owners tried Maxi Cat made by The Great Aussie Petfood Company? I've had my cats on it for a few years now, its great value and they love it (though mine aren't at all fussy!) Its gone up in price recently but I think its somewhere around $20-$25 for a 10kg bag.

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Further they should relax our quarantine restrictions,so getting in pet foods/supplements isn't so damn difficult.

I actually like that our quarantine laws are as strict as they are (albeit frustrating when it affects the import of what we want).

But I'm all for "Australian Owned and Grown" products and provided they are good quality and provide what I want/need, then :confused: all the way :confused:.

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Going by the name, price and ingredients it's certainly not a food I would have leapt at trying either - I tried it as a desperate last resort and am DELIGHTED that I did.

Does it contain any preservatives? Additives? Colours? Flavours?

It personally hasn't inspired me to try it - my boys are doing well on raw & orijen so I think I will stick with that.

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Guest PixieOfWrath
Going by the name, price and ingredients it's certainly not a food I would have leapt at trying either - I tried it as a desperate last resort and am DELIGHTED that I did.

Does it contain any preservatives? Additives? Colours? Flavours?

It personally hasn't inspired me to try it - my boys are doing well on raw & orijen so I think I will stick with that.

No, although don't take my word for it, I don't have a bag in front of me to be 100% sure.

If you don't need to be inspired to try it, don't try it :confused: I only tried it because NOTHING else would put weight and condition on Desmo - and I mean nothing. We tried raw, Nutrience, Nutro, Eukanuba and Royal Canin and still got nowhere. We tried Uncle Alber's and within a month he was a fantastic weight - which he actually maintains!! - and looks wonderful. If raw and orijen is working for you I don't know why you would need to feel inspired to try it, as I said I was desperate :confused:

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Well orijen is the only thing Darcy will eat - and I'd tried a whole host of dry foods. Its got him back up to 11kg so I'm stoked.

Toppy would do well on anything - but I just keep him on what Darcy is on for ease and in case Darcy grabs a bite - hes not allowed a whole host of things.

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Have you cat owners tried Maxi Cat made by The Great Aussie Petfood Company? I've had my cats on it for a few years now, its great value and they love it (though mine aren't at all fussy!) Its gone up in price recently but I think its somewhere around $20-$25 for a 10kg bag.

Never heard of it. Looked on website - can't say I've seen the packet anywhere before either. But then I live in SW Vic, so not likely to have a whole range of foods here. Is it available to buy online? There's no list of retailers on the company's website. I'd be prepared to give it a go.


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Anyone know if the Maxicat is available in QLD/Brisbane? Might look at emailing the company...

ETA - have sent an email - their cat food products contain fish as well...so i've asked for a sample if possible to trial feed my cats as one is allergic to fish :thumbsup: :rolleyes:

Edited by KitKat
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Another :thumbsup: for Great Barko from here!

My dogs thrive on it. All get very plump, very quickly and have shiny coats and healthy ears. Very rarely do I find one who won't eat it, normally I have at least one who turns their nose up at whatever everybody else is having.

And the cats love it too. :rolleyes:

It is economical to feed and easy for me to obtain. Fed in conjuction with the other stuff that I feed, I'm confident that everybody is getting maximum nutritional value. Particularly if appearances are taken into account.

AND, whether this is relevant or not. I didn't feed Great Barko for a few years and one of my bitches didn't come into season the entire time. I switched to Great Barko when I moved out here to the farm in February this year and not only did my bitch have a season, but I have 3 almost 7 week old puppies from her. Coincidental perhaps...but still makes me wonder.

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We feed Bomber Great Barko aswell.

The only downside i found from it is that he gets quite a few eye goobers, where as when we were feeding another food he was getting none. I'm willing to live with that though as since he has had Great Barko we have no more stinky farts, we don't have to feed as much, he loves the taste of it and IMO he is in great condition coat and weight wise. The positives out weigh the one negative :thumbsup:

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