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Corn On The Cob?


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My toy poodle (now gone) ate one of those mini corn cobs that is often in Chinese food at one stage. After 24 hrs he was vomiting all food he ate after the corn cob. Fortunately he vomited up the corn cob (after deciding to starve him to try and figure out what was causing the vomiting) but he still had a trip to the vet to make sure everything was OK. He was lucky he was able to bring it up. Vet confirmed that the cob is just the right size to cause blockages. So NO corn cobs for free eating in this household now.

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I don't let my dogs anywhere near corn cobs because they can and will cause blockages, just ask any vet and they'll tell you that corn cobs are a common cause of intestinal obstruction. Dogs can't digest corn anyway, I don't feed it to my dogs in any form and that includes as a filler in dry dog food. Corn cobs go straight in the bin in my house.

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wow - learnt something today

or Wei loves the cob and chomps on them merrily until nothing left - comes out the next day in big bits

won't be giving him any more from now on - not worth the risk....

thanks for the heads up....

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