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Swimming For Conditioning


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My kelpies currently swim once a fortnight to assist in their conditioning for agility but I would like to increase this amount.

I am thinking of buying a small above ground pool, deep enough that they have to swim around in circles, as I figure I can offset the cost against the petrol of driving an hour to the beach or 45 minutes to dog swimming pool plus cost of hiring.

Does anyone else have their own swimming pool that their dogs swim in?

How much upkeep does it take to keep clean? Hair removal?

How do you chlorinate - chemical chlorine or salt? (Sorry, but I'm a pool virgin)

How often does your dog swim and has it had an effect on the condition of their coat?

Anyone purchased a pool specifically for their dog and was it worth the cost?

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check with your council how big you are allowed and if you are allowed to fill a new pool at all. With water restrictions they may have some limitations in place especially when you first fill it

how about a cheap treadmill instead?

Edited by Nekhbet
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How often does your dog swim and has it had an effect on the condition of their coat?

This is about the only one of those questions I can answer. :)

In summer Darcy swims nearly every second day, mostly in slightly salty water plus I try and get her down the beach at least one day a week. No noticeable effect on her coat.

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We try to swim at least a few times a week in summer too, no noticeable difference in coat, but I do hose Jake off if he is has been in salty water, otherwise he gets the itches and very dry skin. Still trying to persuade my sister my dog should use the pool but in the meantime I am lucky to live near a couple of off leash swimming areas. :thumbsup:


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Thanks for the replies.

Nekhbet, council seems to mainly have restrictions on inground pools here as everyone is on tank water, no mains.

Although a new inground one is going in on next street so I guess they must be issuing some permits even for those. Gonna cost them a hell of a lot to fill it using the water carrier!

Yeah, I could do the treadmill thing but it doesn't really excite me. They already run with me and walk up a massive hill once a week (ie: pull me up the hill!) I like the idea of swimming as it is gentler and one kelpie has minimal flexion in his wrist due to accident a couple of years back, so I thought swimming might be good for that.

I have a couple of dams on my property but not keen to let them swim there - not just snakes , although they scare the crap out of me, but according to my neighbour the people we bought the place from threw a whole lot of old bike frames into the big dam - and I'm not dredging it to find out.

Plus in a small pool I can control them doing laps and they're not just running in and out as they please.

Jess, do you bath Darcy after the beach? I (read that as 'OH') bath mine afterwards but not sure if it is necessary or not?

(might see you on the beach at Warrnambool this weekend?)

Can anyone tell me anything about swimming them in chlorine?

Edited by kelpiechick
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I don't bath her as such, there is a shower for people to rinse off at the beach I take her to and I stand her under that and give her a quick rinse down. It's not perfect but it gets most of the salty water out of her and some of the sand. She has a tendancy to be a bit itchy and I avoid bathing her as much as possible.

Will definitely see you at the beach this weekend if the weather is good :laugh:

Edited to add: speak with the guys at Kepala re: the chlorine. They would know what their regulars do and would probably have their own recommendations?

Edited by Jess.
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i am also looking into buying my dogs a pool for conditioning... it is a great idea, and is much better than dams or beaches as the dogs are out of their depth and it is very physical for them... after speaking to a few canine fitness people, the deeper water wears them out very quickly to start of with... i have a Dam on the property where i am , but the dogs prefer to Kamikaze jump off the banks after the ball... i have one dog who will go in and stay in till we are finshed and her muscle tone and fitness is much better than the other guys...

i am looking to purchase a 1m deep pool... will use chlorine, have not had any effects on my dogs coat after swimming them elsewhere with chlorine and have friends who swim their dogs through the summer in the pool with no problems...

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Guest PixieOfWrath

I'm also really interested in this. Holly is getting older and could really benefit from regular swimming for increased fitness/mobility, and it would be wonderful for conditioning and exercising the Shepherds. I'll be watching to see what any other knowledgable people have to say, as I'm another "pool virgin" :rofl: here, we didn't have one growing up and I've certainly never had one myself in the time I've been living out of home.

I had a quick look on Ebay just then and most of the pools appear to be blow-up. Exactly how sturdy ARE blow up pools? Are they likely to explode in the first summer storm we get, or if one of the dogs scratches the side getting in or out? I'm assuming to be sensible I'd build a ramp for getting in and out, or lift them over in the case of the smaller dogs, but we all know what dogs are like... you couldn't completely rule out the odd scratch or leap on the side.

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Thanks for the replies guys.

Bordacollies4me - that sounds exactly what I am looking for - my kelpies also run in and out (more out than in) at the beach or in a river but my ACD has to be dragged out of the water, literally!

(Great looking dogs in your signature BTW.)

PixieofWrath - I don't think the blow up version would be strong enough to withstand doggy toenails, but not sure ?

I am thinking more in line with the pool on the Greg Derrett Agility Foundation DVD - agility people will know exactly what I mean, looks more like a very sturdy canvas on a frame.

Jess - I didn't even think of asking Kepala, great idea, will talk to Dale next time I see him.

And will hopefully see you and Darcy on the weekend......... and I've just heard the forecast for..............rain :rofl: Deja Vu?

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And will hopefully see you and Darcy on the weekend......... and I've just heard the forecast for..............rain :cheer: Deja Vu?

Nooooooo!!!!!!! :( You're looking at the wrong forecast. Mine says fine and cool for the weekend.

Then again at 11 pm on the Friday it said the same thing last year..... :rofl::o

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I've got a chlorinated inground pool and have tried for years to convince my Rotti to swim :rofl:

I'm determined to get the Stafford in there this summer.

Any tips for getting them to want to go in? The Rotti is ball mad and even his fave ball being chucked in won't do it. He runs round and round the pool though which is good exercise in itself :o

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I have kelpies too, so I know that they can be rufnuts. Have you thought about buying a livestock water trough or if you hunt around you may even find a water tank that is the right shape and size. It would be much stronger and you wouldnt need to worry about them damaging it.


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I take Daire to our local dog pool 3 to 4 times a week for 30-45 minutes each time

He has firmed up heaps

If you go to clark rubber i think they have some of the heavy duty above ground pools for a reasonable price

I just rinse Daire after his swim - i only wash him once a month and there is no noticable difference in his coat

What a brilliant idea - if i had more room i would do it too

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Clyde, my staffords are nuts for swimming, Ed has been swimming since he was 4 months old, and Molls since we got her at 8 months

When they started they started at dogs in motion with the vests on, basically picking them up and swimming them on lead, til they had that lightbulb moment when they realised they could swim, and now its hard to keep them out of the water! We were 4wd once and did a river crossing and Ed jumped out the window to go have a swim :D

Here is Ed swimming when he was little http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=4ue3orUJ7oU

And at the dam http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=qKxbs_Mk3Kk

Ignore my hubby picking on my throwing skills (or lack of!)

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OK, will definitely be checking out Clark rubber - sounds ideal.

Jen, I love the idea of the water trough or tank, I would never have thought of that - and we have actually just sent part of an old tank to the tip !

Clyde, mine were given a helping hand (ie : push) the first time at the swimming pool. They already knew how to swim and liked the water but were just unsure about the steps/ramp going in. Now they are fine.

My friend actually 'engineered' her kelpie falling in at the small pool at Kepala (this one is not like the formal pool with the leads, vests, etc. before anyone starts having a fit about safety) by using a ball on a long rope just out of his reach. That worked well too.

BTW, does anyone know if Scampers doggy pool at Sunbury is still going?

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I'm on dial up atm so will have a look later today.

I just saw the other pics of your dogs and am officially in love.

Will see if I can coax Esme in on the weekend (after I cut her nails right back :) )

hehe thanks!

My 2 are fairly extreme, they seem to love anything that gets the adrenaline going, so if Esme is a nutter she will probably take to it! Pity I'm not closer, she might just follow them in like Ed's daughter Inca did, and she is as nuts for water as they are now!

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:thumbsup: Yep, she's a nutter alright.... a little body basher. I can't believe she's not broken yet.

Clyde, mine were given a helping hand (ie : push) the first time at the swimming pool

:rofl: I love those types of helping hands

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