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Rip Holly


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Now that I have had my cry and gotten over some of the shock, the story goes like this.

I was given her as a christmas present the year before I moved out. Holly was a lovely cockatiel. When I moved out with a friend of mine, I moved my pets out in steps and Holly was the last one to join me. Between the time that I left and then collected her (only a couple of weeks) my step father had taught her the most horrid sounds. I moved her in one weekend and my flatmate moved her back to my parents place the following weekend. I missed her but my parents loved her and she loved them.

My parents retired a few years ago and have spent the last few years travelling around Australia in their caravan. Where ever they went, Holly went too. Holly has seen more of Australia then I have, she was one well travelled bird. I know that my parents loved her company, she was spoilt, to the point that they would go out and leave a heater or the air con on for her.

As normal they took her away last week and mum had the bottom off the cage so that she could pick in the grass. As the day went on she ended up in the sun, so mum decided to move her. Without looking mum picked up and moved the cage, Holly was on the ground, so then no longer in her cage. Naurally she had a fly and my mother and step father stayed near her with the cage hoping that she would fly back in. They lost track of her and when they spotted her again, a hawk had her.

She was such a lovely bird, but i think the hardest part is how she died. A tragic end to such a lovely life.

RIP my sweet girl, I will miss your horrid sounds that you were so proud to make.....

I am sorry.

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Oh Sez, that is just tragic. Your poor mum must be devastated. I know what it's like to have a beloved parrot fly off by accident. I lost my beloved female Alexandrine parrot 10 years ago and I chased her around the streets all day and even hired a cherry picker to try and get her down from a tree (the nice man wouldn't even charge me for the hire after he saw me in tears when I just missed grabbing her out of the tree). Last I saw of her was at dusk being chased by a currawong. I think similar happened to her so I know how you feel. :eek:

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That is so sad for you and your parents.

I remember my cockatoo that I had when I was 16. He used to occasionally get out and I always clipped his wings but a couple of times they grew just enough for him to be able to fly to other peoples houses. He would be on their roofs screaming my mother would have to climb a ladder to get him down again. He would very happily jump onto her shoulder. He died after I left home when I was 20. I always said he died of a broken heart coz I left him.

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:rofl: oh your poor parents to see that, at least if a pet parrot fly's off we can almost convice ourselves that it might survive (delusional I know)

But to see their beloved die like that... :eek: too much.

hugs to you and your parents.


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Sorry that she had to go that way Sezy. I lost my beautiful boy about a year back too when he escaped from his cage. It's the most horrible feeling knowing they're out there all alone. At least the end would've been quick for poor Holly :thumbsup:

I hope it was quick. It must have been so scary for the poor thing.

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