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So should the lives of countless others be held less important than the life of one?

It's a tricky dilemma.

I love a masculine looking dog, but due to my breeds of choice I would probably desex early (6months) in the hope if avoiding undesirable traits. Plus I cant stand the stench of entire dog wee!

Although I have read with breeds such as Mastiffs and Neapolitan Mastiffs that it's best to wait until 18 months in order for their chests to develop to help support the weight.

I'm in a bit of a quandry with Esme (Stafford pup) at the moment. I definitely want her desexed, but was wanting her head and chest to thicken out a little more before doing so but she's approaching 6 months. I don't think I could cope going through a season and keep asking myself if the stress and mess of it is worth a better looking dog :birthday:

If it was only for appearances sake, some would agree, others not, depending on their individual circumstances.

However the future health of the dog is also at stake - allowing a bitch to reach puberty first is advantageous in all aspects except possibility of pregnancy (dependent on your keeping her safe from dogs) and an increased risk of mammary cancer (IME not a biggie) It will reduce the chances of many other cancers, CCL and spay incontinence.

There is always the alternative of boarding an in season bitch at a safe, reputable kennel to save on the mess and stress and desex several months later if required.

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