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Iphoto And Photoshop


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This is probably a dumb question but me and the Mac are still getting to know each other a bit :confused:

I want to play with some photos in Photoshop but how do I get the photos there? Do i have to go to Iphoto and export them to the desktop and then open them from there?

I'm still not quite getting my head around Iphoto works and the difference between Mac and Windows :laugh:

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This is probably a dumb question but me and the Mac are still getting to know each other a bit :confused:

I want to play with some photos in Photoshop but how do I get the photos there? Do i have to go to Iphoto and export them to the desktop and then open them from there?

I'm still not quite getting my head around Iphoto works and the difference between Mac and Windows :laugh:

Hopefully someone that currently uses a Mac will come along and help with this. I am going from my memory of using the Macs where I worked a couple of years ago.

If I am correct Iphoto is basically a picture viewer - it holds thumbnails of the images for you to preview but when you click to open them, it finds them where they are saved and opens them in Iphoto. So - all of the pictures should be saved somewhere. You need to know where they are saved.

When I used to download the work digital camera onto the Mac, I think it used to save them in a subfolder of Iphoto and if I did not say otherwise then it would create a new folder each time with that days date on it and put the images in there. If you can find where your computer is saving them then all you need to do is open photoshop, click on open and navigate to the folder where the images are stored.

I hope that helps and makes sense. As I said - I am going from memory and a current Mac user may be of more assistance.

eta: I was using a PC at home and a Mac at work and found that for quite a few things it felt like the Mac did things "backwards" - like using the scanner it scanned the image then asked where to save it, whereas my PC would ask me to select a location then select scan. First few scans I had no idea where things were going!

Edited by piper
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You can export the photos as jpegs and then open them in photoshop. I don't like the new version of iphoto as I am not sure where the originals are stored on the computer. I burnt a truckload to CD and you get a folder on there called originals and modified and if you open the originals folder you have access to the jpegs.

Edited by ness
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Ness I am glad you said that as I cannot find the photos anywhere on the hard drive...........

I guess I am going to need to back them all up to the external hard drive as a priority?

I use mac preview to import my pictures to my own file system and then delete what I don't want before importing them in to iphoto or aperture. I do not know this for a fact but i believe the reason you cannot find your originals may be that iphoto actually works in an odd way ie when you edit the photo it does not actually change the image itself until you export it, it saves the original and then remembers the changes that you have made so you can go back later and undo them if you wish. The changes are not permanent until you actually export the edited image. I may be wrong but I have a feeling it is a reason such as this as to why you may be experiencing issues. i have two folders an imoprt folder that is devided in to categories family, dogs, ebay, arty farty etc and then and then the same set of folders for edited (keepers) that way I always have the original and know which have been edited and which have not.

Edited by Luke GSP
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