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Bitch In Season Throwing Up.


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My little girlie, Dusty, aged almost 10 months came into season yesterday. Last night, I gave her a chicken frame for dinner, which she wolfed down with her usual enthusiasm, then a half hour later she promptly brought it all back up again.

Tonight she managed to get hold of some dry cat food which she loves, and a half hour later, she threw that all up. And it stunk, like the foulest diarrhea. At first I thought it had come from the rear end but a few minutes later she threw up some more, it stunk just as bad and was definitely from her mouth.

Aside from a few minutes of obviously not feeling too good after the vomit, she's normal, happy and probably hungry!

What's normal? This is the first entire bitch I've ever had and I really don't know what to expect.

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Dogs can get a virus at any time...IMO there is absolutely no difference in a speyed or entire bitch! The gastro bugs certainly don't discriminate !!!!!!!!!!!

Don' give her any more food- make sure she has water.. and if she throws up overnight, develops diarrhoea or suddenly appears 'flat'.. get to a vet !

being in season does NOT make a bitch vomit :thumbsup:

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I'll see how she is in the morning....right now she's happy as a lark, flitting around the house being gorgeous. She's certainly not acting sick, flat or anything other than completely normal....aside from these disgusting vomits.

If she takes a turn for the worse overnight, I'll whip her up to the vet before work. They are just a few doors up from where we live and someone's usually there early a.m.

I've also emailed her breeder to see what she says. She kept Dusty's litter sister and we often compare notes.

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