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Has Anyone's Dog Choked On Chicken Necks?


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I was wondering if anyone has had a dog or knows of one that has choked when eating chicken necks or other raw bones? This is my number one concern at the moment and I have only ever given chicken necks to my puppy on two occasions. Both times I was a nervous wreck and watched her like a hawk incase she choked. I am very hesistant to give her chicken necks again. I know that raw, meaty bones are excellent for dogs but I just don't know if the risks outweigh the benefits. Do chicken wings pose just as high a risk as chicken necks?

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Mine eat raw chicken necks, drums, frames etc, very regularly without incident. I "supervise" them only because Benson eats like he's a gourmet taste tester for a fancy restaurant, and Dusty eats like every mouthful is gonna be her last.......and given her own way, every mouthful in Bensons bowl would also be her last. And he'd quite happily stand aside and let her take it.

But no choking.

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Our dogs/puppies all get raw bones from 4 weeks old. (Koolies and Koolie x's)

the only 'choking' incident has been Hamlet almost choking on a chicken neck when he was younger.

Chicken necks are exactly the size&shape to be slurped whole---- BUT their diameter and that of a smaller dog's oesophagus is just not quite a good fit.... so the necks can get stuck :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I do not use chicken necks anymore.. but with puppies, do use wings with no problems, as most of our dogs are chewers not gulpers, thank goodness.

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I've been giving chicken necks and wings to Rosie (6 1/2 month old tibetan terrier) since she was 9 weeks old. She chews them well & never had problems.

The only thing that freeks me out is her habit of finding my sons lego pieces & chewing them. Luckily, as soon as I say DROP IT she drops whatever she's got in her mouth.


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Shoshana!! Rosie SO CUTE!! (See my TT Tashi in my avatar pic :D ).

I'm with persephone on this issue. I've never had a problem with chicken necks until recently...I have one young (toy) pup who absolutely vacuums up necks!! :rolleyes: :( They are obviously the same size as his oesaphagus and swallows them whole :(:love: He screams as they go down - I remember swallowing a whole ice cube accidently once and the pain as it went down was extraordinary! :D

Short answer is - I am only giving the pups something they HAVE to chew which is bigger than a neck - I give wings as a minimum but they have a great couple of hours devouring a frame! :rolleyes:

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The puppies I have had I have fed minced chicken carcusses and lamb bones to not chicken necks as they have been to small to cope with them.

For my adult pugs I cut the chicken necks up into bits about half the size of an index finger, many many many other pug owners I know do this as well. The pugs still chomp on eat bit but when they swallow there is never a risk that that bit will block their airways like if thy swallowed a whole neck.

I suggest you try cutting the necks up and see how she goes.

Get her some lamb bones, ribs and backs, and she should have no problems with them.

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yes we have had a number of dogs pass out eating necks .

"Relax, your dog will know how to eat meaty bones


Wish that was true but it isnt the case & any form of bone,rawhides chews etc etc should be given when a human is around.

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My first dog, Nicky, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel was fed chicken necks most of his life.

Since he almost sucked his meaty bones till they dissolved, we were quite happy to feed him necks...then one day when he was 12 or 13 years old he decided to swallow one whole! It was the perfect size and shape to get stuck and it did. He collapsed unconscious, his legs jerking. Dad was fortunately close by and raced over, pulled the neck out and did CPR. A couple of gasps later he was alive/conscious again....VERY scary! It took him a couple of hours to fully recover.

So now, no matter how well a dog can chew, there is no way I will ever feed a Throat Plug (chicken neck) to a dog again, and wings only under close supervision.

Much better to feed larger more complicated foods anyway.

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I was wondering if anyone has had a dog or knows of one that has choked when eating chicken necks or other raw bones? This is my number one concern at the moment and I have only ever given chicken necks to my puppy on two occasions. Both times I was a nervous wreck and watched her like a hawk incase she choked. I am very hesistant to give her chicken necks again. I know that raw, meaty bones are excellent for dogs but I just don't know if the risks outweigh the benefits. Do chicken wings pose just as high a risk as chicken necks?

My boy choked on a turkey drumstick a few months ago,it was the scariest two minutes of my life.He was eating it just fine then I noticed he was struggling to swallow,normally he would just spew it back up and start again but this time he just kept trying to swallow.After about 30 seconds he started swaying like he was drunk,he fell over onto his back and had what looked like a seizure.His eyes were closed and his jaw was clamped down tight.I had to pry his mouth open and pull a large chunk of meat and bone from his throat,lost most of my thumb nail in the process and I jumped up so fast when he fell over that I badly strained my left hamstring.He was fine almost immediately after,but I was still shaking for a quite a while longer.It happened again (although not quite as bad) with turkey so I no longer feed turkey drumsticks.

Always supervise when feeding RMBs!


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I was wondering if anyone has had a dog or knows of one that has choked when eating chicken necks or other raw bones? This is my number one concern at the moment and I have only ever given chicken necks to my puppy on two occasions. Both times I was a nervous wreck and watched her like a hawk incase she choked. I am very hesistant to give her chicken necks again. I know that raw, meaty bones are excellent for dogs but I just don't know if the risks outweigh the benefits. Do chicken wings pose just as high a risk as chicken necks?

Hi Aimee.

I have two Australian Shepherds aged almost 8 months, and almost 4 months. I gave Miss 8 Months raw dog bones unattended after feeling confident she was fine with them but I've realised now how dangerous they can be, although it took me a day at the vet to understand just how. Millie stood on a 1 day old bone and split the skin between her pads on her back right leg. Mr 4Months LOVES chiken necks and savours them every so much, he's one of those dogs who will pick at it as gently as possible and take as LONG as possible to eat them. Miss 8 Months is a scoffer of a dog and will suck them don (being near on the perfect size). I find with Miss 8 Months; that she will bulk eat them and swallows them whole which about 5 minutes later; she has to throw up because she's overindulged. I watch her alot with all raw chicken bones, - wings, necks, anything. I would say that wings are just as bad because they have points and can probably risk peircing the osoephagous (sp), but I've only eer heard of that with dried out wings.

PM me if you want a more detailed opinion, but I'm sure you'll get plenty on DOL as is. =]

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I don't feed chicken necks beyond the puppy stage. With the initial feeds, they are crushed with a mallet. Same goes for introduction of the larger poultry pieces.

My dogs get RMBs two meals in three and I've never had a choking incident.

There is no bone left after most meals and if there is, I collect it and dispose of it.

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Mine have never choked but Holly used to swallow the necks whole and then bring them back up :cheers:

She even did it with a wing once. Choking was a real concern for me.

I stopped feeding her the necks and wings for a while and have begun to give wings again recently without any problems.

I tried freezing 2 necks together and giving them to her while still frozen and she didn't have a problem with them then as they were too big to swallow whole, but they could break apart as they defrost so I'm wary of doing that.

Milo has never had a problem as he is a good chewer.

I feed lamb bones (I think they are called flaps, they look like lots of ribs connected with fat and meat) and lamb shanks. Also chicken frames which they love. I want to try her on lamb necks but the butcher is always out of them :)

Edited by Hollysmum
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My Cavaliers are eating wing tips & sliced necks from 4-5 weeks, full necks from 6 weeks depending on how "forward " the litter is.......

Dont have choking dogs here in all the years....but I do know of others dogs choking to death on a piece of kibble lodged in the wrong place :thumbsup:

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