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Barf Patties


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Prior to the elimination diet Zedley is currently on I had those Frosty Paws for him and he loved them. I seems a number of companies are getting the message that many us like the BARF diet. I noticed in Better Pets and Gardens, CanningVale, that they had three different brands. I can remember that one was the Billingshurst, another is being made in Mount Hawthorn and I can't remeber the last one.

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That's true about the real barf patties, I know now that they are in mass production there is less control over the quality of meats and one can only hope it is ground rmb's and frames, not legs/head etc etc.

For anyone in SE Melbourne the Pet Chow shop at the end of Springvale Rd where it meets Princes Hwy is doing his own barf now in 1kg tubs. I have to ring and ask about meat quality and what omega 3/6 he uses but we had a quick chat and he was helpful with info about them. There is a tick sheet on the tub so you know exactly what vegies have been put in each batch. They work out ALOT cheaper than the Billinghurst patties.

My Toller boy needs 400-450gm of barf to maintain a nice weight.


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I still prefer homeamde... that way i know the quality of the food :eek:

I know I should do the same but I'm just to busy...and lazy :rofl:

I bought a bag today and Floyd loved them! So I'm getting them for my cat as well.

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ahhh the frozen Frosty Paws treats have cocoa powder in them ... I thought that was a no no for doggies.

These are the BARF patties that I bought, no cocoa in them. I do think the frozen treat things that are like icecream do though :thumbsup:

Edited by Tobias
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