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K9 Force In Qld


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Huski, my OH could keep your mum company :confused: I think my son may be coming too, just for a break from uni, even though he has exams coming up, we'll see. I arrive Friday night and am doing sat, sat night and sunday morning. We have to leave around lunch time. If anyone finds it possible to take some notes on prey drive etc., which I do really need to go to but can't :laugh: , maybe a Doler could email me some notes/info. any little bit will do. I'm just so incompetent at this training lark. Poor Monah :laugh:

Thanks Dagboy, you're an angel!! :):):o

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OH and I are just coming to the Saturday day-session only. Arriving Saturday morning and heading home again that night. It's lucky I didn't end up booking a cabin anyway, as it now looks like I may have to work on Sunday.

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Bah. I work 10pm->5am on friday night so I won't have much input on Saturday or Saturday night (as I would have been awake for over 32 hours by the night time one).


Your input is what I was looking most forward to...


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Anyone know if I can bring two dogs (but only one for the seminar.)

Mum can't handle Montu (like literally, he has no respect for her.)

If not I'll just bring Montu but he'll have to stay at the Cabin.

Hey Lord Midol,

I'm bringing my Husky x Golden Retriever pup for the weekend but he's not attending the workshop. All I did was check with Ann at Camp Tailwaggers if it was OK and she said it was fine as long as he wasn't a barker. My hubby & kids will be at the cabin for some of the time so Mojo's going to hang out with them while Hershey and I soak up all the info at the workshop. Mojo is very friendly and thinks he's a bit of a superstar, so anyone is welcome to come over to my cabin to give him some love!

Ahhh, I'll email her as well just to be safe.

Montu isn't a barker, unless someone walks into the Cabin... Then he won't stop till he is let out of his crate and can investigate.

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I gave Luna a hydrobath and blow-dry today in preperation :laugh:

And bought her a new doggy doona for her crate :eek:

Can't wait :laugh:

Micha loves Daisy's crate, he is always trying to get in it! The new one we have for her is huge and more than big enough to fit him in it, so he will be happy to "borrow" it from her for the weekend :laugh:

Mishy went to the groomers and everything on Monday so he will look nice and pretty :laugh:

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Ok, I have to change what I said about multiple dogs. Only one per handler at the workshops but you can bring another one if it's just going to be in the yard etc. Everyone should have received the info letter and disclaimer by now so I'll see you all on the weekend!! :rofl:

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Numbers at this stage are 12 Saturday and 14 Sunday plus Steve and Myself. Although there are still some tentatives!

That's not a bad turnout!

Sounds like most people are coming for Saturday, which is awesome!

I'm so excited :rofl:

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It all seems much closer now we have a run sheet for the weekend!

Now I just have to hope I don't get lost.... my sat nav takes the weirdest paths sometimes.

Hmmm, some of you have bathed your dogs. Guess I'd better do Griff tomorrow so he doesn't smell too much like pee :) joys of a renal failure dog :rofl:

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QLD time sorry guys!!! I never remember about the time differences!

I washed my girl yesterday, it's been over 6 weeks since her last show and she was soo badly on the nose that I couldn't bear to have her inside with me any longer - I certainly didn't want to subject any of you to that!!! :eek:

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