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Help Needed For Second Opinion


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Hi Sheenygirl, I really feel for you as I know what it's like. My 4 1/2 year old labrador retriever has been through the wars. At 7 months he was diagnosed with OCD in both elbows. We opted for surgery which put the poor fellow out of action for a while. I think that created problems with his hind legs. He ended up have reconstructions on both hind legs over the course of the next 12-18 months, two on his right and one on hs left. We also found out that he has mild hip displaysia too. His muscles in his back legs atrophied because he spent so much time out of action. Yet through it all he was still such a happy and gorgeous labrador.

We took him to hydrotherapy and physio which really improved his muscle and helped get him back on his feet. I took him to Dogs in Motion down here in Melbourne - if you aren't aware of any hydrotherapy and physio facilities in Sydney, it might be worth contacting them to see if they can recommend one to you. My boy is on Catrophen shots six monthly, Sasha's blend and a raw diet. Now it's warmer, I will start to take him swimming. He is doing lots of walking and the vet is pleased with how he is going. So have faith! I know it's a lot of heart ache (and expensive) but I'm sure you will be able to find some specialists who can help you and your gorgeous puppy dog

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I think after years and years the dog just learns to live with the pain. I dont think its ever really fixing a problem. You may get more years out of the dog, I believe they just learn that pain is normal. Is it right that we think its ok if they are happy in pain? who knows.

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hi neighbour :laugh:

so sorry , after going through the same with your gsd, and then doing all the right things searching for a healthy goldie pup :laugh:

sash is such a happy beautiful dog, she really is, i would do anything for her too. :)

londonderry isn't that far from us, or, you could take her down to the lake. there is the concrete overflow bit, you can walk along the side, and let her swim up and down, depends if you mind her being smelly and mucky :laugh: my lot go in everyday.

take care :laugh:

Edited by juice
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Maybe Juice's dog walking service needs to be changed to Juice's swimming service.

What we need is a little wagon that Oz and Jatz can pull. Then Coda and Sasha can be taken down to the lake for their swimming exercise. And then Oz and Jatz can pull them home again. That way, everyone gets a good dose of exercise! :)

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  • 3 months later...


Hi all,

Thought that it was about time that I posted a quick update on how Sasha is doing.

I did a lot of research after I recieved all your responses and am grateful for all the suggestions.

In the end I investigated the Stem Cell Therapy route and decided that was going to give her the better quality of life than the alternatives.

So Mid November she has the procedure done...on her elbow and her and hips. The result was amazing and fast. The anti-inflamatory effects kicked in within 2 weeks and now almost 2 months down the tracks she is a completely different and much happier dog. I have my happy puppy back!!

She will always have an arthritic elbow ...but appears to now be pain free and can move about without any difficulties. The Elbow once scanned was found to be worse than we had anticipated so I am not sure what the future holds as far as how long the treatment is effective...but she has stem cells stored and may only need a top up in future if it deteriorates.

I know that there has been some interest generated in this topic since it was aired on TV just before Christmas and I also know that Rebecca from Regenerus has also posted a topic on this in the general forum. She is very willing to answer any questions that you might have...but I just thought thsat I would update you all on Sasha's journey here as well.

I am planning to put soem video together which willshow the difference in Sasha before and after the procedure...just havn't around to that yet. will post a link here when done.

Thanks again to all ...2009 is looking to be a much happier and brighter year all round....and I wish you all the same.

If you have any questions ...I am happy to help out as well.


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I think after years and years the dog just learns to live with the pain. I dont think its ever really fixing a problem. You may get more years out of the dog, I believe they just learn that pain is normal. Is it right that we think its ok if they are happy in pain? who knows.

My rottweiler is only 16 months old... barely years and years. He has good and bad days, we know when he is in pain and not. I live with chronic pain myself as does my OH, there is bareable and then there is rediculous.

Sheenygirl congrats that your doggy is doing so well!!! Remember there are always other options and exploring them can make a world of difference. Glad it has worked for you keep us posted :)

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after seeing sash at her worst, and then again today, i can vouch for the treatment she is a happy bouncy pup, she could barely walk up the steet before, it was a pitiful site. so glad she is doing so well, such a gorgeous dog :wave:

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