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Which Heartworm/tick/flea Stuff


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I have taken the below from the pinned topic at the start of this thread:

Frontline Plus - fleas and ticks

Advantix - fleas, ticks and mosquitos

Advocate- fleas, heartworm, hookworm, roundworm and whipworm, lice and ear mites

Revolution - fleas, heartworm, ear mites, hookworm, sarcoptic mange

Advantage - fleas

I buy mine from:


Very good prices.

I use advocate. Hope it helps. :thumbsup:

ETA: You should join the Retreiver thread in the breed sub forum under general http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?show...amp;start=21900 Its a busy thread but you will receive responses to your answers quickly.... as long as you post photos of your doggy! :rofl::thumbsup:

Edited by doggywoof
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Thanks guys.

They seem to ome in 6 dose packs. How often do you give a dose? As in, how long does the $78 last?

You give Advocate once a month.

I use Sentinel Interceptor (covers all the worms) during the tick season together with Advantix (flea and tick protection).

In winter I use Sentinel Spectrum (worms and fleas protection).

I found that my dog's skin was irritated when I was using Advocate and Advanix (both are spot on meds).

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Depends a lot on your area and what the ticks etc are sensitive to. In Victoria I use Sentinel spectrum as ticks are not a big issue, but you need to know what is most effective locally. The vast majority of any of these good products are monthly.

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