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When Should I Spay My Labrodor Puppy?


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Hi All,

I know there's going to be different perspectives on this, which is good, because I want to hear different view.

Martha's four months old now. She's petite for a Lab and very long and lean. The vet said we could do it anytime between now and six months. I'm pretty sure I want to do it before she has a season.

Her vet said there's no definitive research that says bitches who are spayed early have growth plate problems. The advantage of doing it earlier, it seems to me, is that it'll be slighly easier for her to hang around the house recuperating. She loves romping in the park and this is only going to increase as the months wear on. I'd rather have her indoors now than in another two months, when she'll be even more wild!

On the other hand, I know a lot of people think it could be setting her up for some potential growth problems, and that it's better to wait until she's 6 months, or even after she's had a season.

What do you guys think?


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I'm having the exact same debate :laugh:

Lili is 4 months and the vet said we could do it now, he also said that there is no evidence it affects their growth.

Apparently if they are desexed before their first season it reduces the chances of mammary cancer by 98%. Anyone correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure thats what the vet said, so I would like to get her done before her first season.

Also they heal quicker when they're younger , I'm leaning towards getting her done at around 6 months but I'm worried she'll come into season just before so maybe I should do it now.....but then just because there is no hard evidence doesn't mean it couldn't affect her growth!

Dilemma!!! ;)

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Do whatever you feel comfortable with :laugh: my girl kyra was desexed as a young pup - around the 8 week mark but she was a rescue and I had no choice, if I had it my way, she would be around 10-12 months before I had her done. However with my boy Brodie, I'm not getting him desexed until atleast 18 months of age.

Eta your girl is very pretty! ;)

Edited by Kyra
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I was going to get our dachie Elly desexed before her first season but she pipped me at the post at 51/2 months so I decided to wait until she was a bit older. She is now just over 10 months old and had it done yesterday - bit of a sore sorry sausage at the moment. I think that its another one of those questions that there is no right or wrong answer except for the possibility that it may reduce their chances of mammary cancer. The far biggest risk in my opinion is an unwanted litter of pups and you need to be 100% sure that you can prevent that if you decide to wait out until the dog is older and an inside dog that is in season is a pain if there is no reason to keep them entire.

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Unless you are planning an agility career, I'd say 6 months would be OK. I'd not do it earlier.

I know nothing about agility, does it make a difference and how? My family are farmers and almost all farmers I know won't desex their working dogs - they say it changes them and they are not as driven, is it the same in dog sports? I find this topic very interesting. :laugh:

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Unless you are planning an agility career, I'd say 6 months would be OK. I'd not do it earlier.

I know nothing about agility, does it make a difference and how? My family are farmers and almost all farmers I know won't desex their working dogs - they say it changes them and they are not as driven, is it the same in dog sports? I find this topic very interesting. :laugh:

Some agility folk tend to hold off to make sure a dog is fully physcially mature (in terms of bone development). I don't think too many hold off on the basis of desexing lower drives.

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I personally wouldn't get her spayed until she is about 12 months old. I got Gypsy spayed at 6 months old and she has now got spay incontinence. Any dog I get in the future (dog or bitch) will not be getting desexed until they are physically mature now.

I can't tell you what to do either way, but most vets won't mention this side effect (or they don't know about it), I just wanted to make you aware of it. Had I known I would have waited to get Gypsy done, she's going to be on hormone replacement medication probably for the rest of her life now. It's gotten better, we've gone from medicating daily to weekly now but she still has the odd accident.

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I personally wouldn't get her spayed until she is about 12 months old. I got Gypsy spayed at 6 months old and she has now got spay incontinence. Any dog I get in the future (dog or bitch) will not be getting desexed until they are physically mature now.

I can't tell you what to do either way, but most vets won't mention this side effect (or they don't know about it), I just wanted to make you aware of it. Had I known I would have waited to get Gypsy done, she's going to be on hormone replacement medication probably for the rest of her life now. It's gotten better, we've gone from medicating daily to weekly now but she still has the odd accident.

I didn't know about this :laugh: . How common is it?

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I personally wouldn't get her spayed until she is about 12 months old. I got Gypsy spayed at 6 months old and she has now got spay incontinence. Any dog I get in the future (dog or bitch) will not be getting desexed until they are physically mature now.

I can't tell you what to do either way, but most vets won't mention this side effect (or they don't know about it), I just wanted to make you aware of it. Had I known I would have waited to get Gypsy done, she's going to be on hormone replacement medication probably for the rest of her life now. It's gotten better, we've gone from medicating daily to weekly now but she still has the odd accident.

Wow! Thanks for sharing this — I'd never heard of spay incontinence. Off to do some googling, but does anyone know how common this is.

So sorry Stacy (and Gypsy) that you've had this problem.

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I personally wouldn't get her spayed until she is about 12 months old. I got Gypsy spayed at 6 months old and she has now got spay incontinence. Any dog I get in the future (dog or bitch) will not be getting desexed until they are physically mature now.

I can't tell you what to do either way, but most vets won't mention this side effect (or they don't know about it), I just wanted to make you aware of it. Had I known I would have waited to get Gypsy done, she's going to be on hormone replacement medication probably for the rest of her life now. It's gotten better, we've gone from medicating daily to weekly now but she still has the odd accident.

I didn't know about this :thumbsup: . How common is it?

I think its not mentioned because it's really not overly common at all in young bitches. I've never seen a young girl develop it in the 3 years i've been nursing (and that's a LOT of speys!) The benefits of desexing far out weigh the possible risks. Remember there is also a risk of the anaesthetic as well as the procedure, but again, the chances of this are not high enough to tell everyone they shouldn't do it.

In saying that, I am waiting till my boys' growth plates have closed before I desex (and how I am counting down the months!!).

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I really like these two articles for considering the health effects of desexing:


PDF file - "Long Term Health Effects of Spay/Neuter in Dogs"

If you have the facilities to stop an entire bitch getting knocked up, then I would never have her desexed. If you do not have these facilities, get her desexed before her first season.

EDIT: Fix link

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In saying that, I am waiting till my boys' growth plates have closed before I desex (and how I am counting down the months!!).

How do you know when growth plates have closed?

By X-Raying the growth plates. Experienced folk can give you a general idea just by feeling them.

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I still havn't speyed my bitch at nearly 5 and still get berated by vets

oh she'll get cancer and die. FFS its not THAT common otherwise no one would breed.

I kept her entire for work purposes. I personally like large breeds to be speyed a little later like 8-12 months but nothing wrong with doing it at 5-6 months.

up to you ultimately but I like a dog to mature with itself in tact before just desexing for the sake of management.

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