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Canon 300d Dslr


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Hello was wondering if anyone has a Canon 300D DSLR I have a friend of a friend that is selling one it is a few years old I have been looking at buying a new one but they are a bit above my price range and I thought that this would do for practicing???

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  kja said:
This is still a great camera. No, it isn't as advanced as the newer models but it is more than capable of producing great images.

If the price is right, go for it!

Thank you she wants 200.00 hundred for it which I thought was quite good, at this stage I didnt really want to pay 1,000 for a new one maybe later on down the track I just wanted a better camera than my old basic Kodak :laugh:
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I had the 350D because of the firmware issue. It was a good camera.

I have since gone up to the nikon - change in priorities and the Nikon does it better. But will not completely sell out the Canon. Have a look around on Ebay as well. See what the going rate of the 300D is.. Also look at the going rate for the 350D.. especially now that Canon has launched a new one. The 300 and 350D's should drop in price.

However I have seen some of the pentax and fuji Dslr's take some really nice stuff too.. They are not as expensive as the Canon/Nikon range.

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  kja said:
For $200 if it's in working order, just do it. It will be just fine :eek:
Thanks everyone, I think I will get it I just want something a bit better than the kodak so I think the 300D should do that, I was out watching the lightning the other night and would love to be able to get photos of what I saw but that will be the next chapter :love:

MV I am not too sure what firmware means? I have also checked out ebay one of the first places I always check don't we all ;) but yeah I think two hundred sounds good going on the prices on there :eek:

Chezzyr lovely photos :laugh:

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Firmware is just the "instructions" the camera uses to do it's thing internally. Often a model will be released, they will find bugs or improve something after the fact and then they release a firmware update that you download. Directions are all on the Canon website. I would not worry about it unless you run into problems, though.

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  kja said:
Firmware is just the "instructions" the camera uses to do it's thing internally. Often a model will be released, they will find bugs or improve something after the fact and then they release a firmware update that you download. Directions are all on the Canon website. I would not worry about it unless you run into problems, though.
thank you Kja but guess what its fallen through she is putting it on Ebay or something like that oh well back to the drawing board :thumbsup:
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Yes, and if you bid, one of us (or three of us) could put a question to seller "Isn't this the model with the firmware problem, does it have a problem?" (which we know is not an issue, but might put other potential bidders off: be good to get it for even less than you were prepared to pay him/her).

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I am more tempted to say

"I am interested in your camera, I want to buy it for someone who was going to get

one from their friend but the friend pulled the plug!! Also, does it come with the

firmware update - I heard there were problems with this model!!!!"


Edited by chezzyr
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  Staff said:
Well if you find another body, I have the 2 kit lenses to sell from my 400D, I've been too lazy to put them on ebay yet. :rofl:

Thanks everyone use guys are funny :rofl: fortunately it was a friend of a friends she said that she might keep it for back up or put it on Ebay oh well sometimes things are meant to be because I came across a 400D that I am looking at on Saturday :thumbsup: so I might need those lenses :thumbsup::)

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