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Sending Trial Entries


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I sent off my entry for the Knox obediance trial last wednesday. This will be my first trial so not sure about something. I got told that I didnt need to send a self addressed envelope with my entry like with show entries so I didnt but at obediance class on sat an instructor told me that I should always send one with obediance trials as well, so was wondering which was the right way to go>?

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Yeah i know, how crap is that? had to use $1 worth of stamps the other day to send off one envelope coz I had no 5cent ones left.

The instructor told me that I could give them a ring closer to the date but they may have to sort through a lot of crap and i dont wanna be a pain.

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Highly recommend the SAE - especially if you're travelling a few kms to get to the trial.

I would hate to get up at 4 am and travel the 2.5 to 3 hours to a Melbourne trial only to find my entries never made it! :thumbsup:

Edited to add: Just seen the cheque comment, in probably 50% of cases my cheques aren't cashed til after the trial.

Some clubs put a list up on the mailing lists or the club website of who they have received entries from, but I wouldn't count on it. :)

Edited by Jess.
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It's up to you whether you send through the SAE or not.

If you want the receipt - then send it off.

Usually I ring them up after entries have closed to confirm they have my entry form... that is if I didn't send off the SAE.

With shows you MUST send off the SAE :thumbsup:

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Dont stress too much

Did you pay by cheque or money order? If its cheque and it gets presented you will know you're ok

I always pay by cheque and nine times out of ten they don't cash it until after the trial. Recently I was unable to attend a trial I had nominated for and they didn't cash the cheque :thumbsup: .

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I use a photocopy of an entry form for obed, I havent got around to buying entry forms

For showing I use the online ticket printer on the VCA site, but they dont have an obed one yet

So you cannot use the online ticket printer on the VCA site for obedience trials? No wonder it never worked for me. Being a computer dunce I thought the problem was on my end. Tired writing out mutliple entry forms. Recently finally requested from a friend, who Emailed with attachment, an entry form. Easy nowadays.

Wish we had a computer entry service like they do in the US for retrieving/what they call field trials. Makes life easier for club secretaries as well. $2.00 fee.

We are so behind the times in Australia. Grrrrrrr LOL. Seems the only time I write out a cheque is for dog trials.

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Suffering from filling out multiple entries myslef I asked the VCA (only a couple of months ago) if they were planning to do an online obedience entry form like the show one - only fair I thought - and was told they didn't have one, had no intentions of making one but I was more than welcome to buy a book of forms from them!!! :)

This is when I found myself an old typewriter and typed up one entry form (my handwriting isn't always clear so at least this way no typo's on the catalogue :) ) and photocopied off multiples.

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