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Reddii - Agility


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Elementary and Starters are both ADAA levels.


What DC said.

ANKC agility is on the list of things to do next year.

Elementary is a very basic course that has no weavers, no tyre and no see saw in it and generally fairly simple turns. (not sure about the broad jump, but can include dog walk, A-frame and table)

Starters is a LITTLE trickier and includes weavers and the tyre, broad jump. weave poles can be completed after any number of attempts without incurring a penalty, and you can do just 6 of them (in any order) and incur a fault, but not get Eliminated.

Heights in both Elementary and Starters are slightly lower than the international standard.

Intermediate is the next step up and uses all equipment at international heights. Open weave pole rules apply - get them right or get eliminated and a fault for every time you get them wrong.


It typically doesn't have the discriminations in it that an Open course will (next level). (See me send her into the wrong end of the first tunnel!)

I can't suggest the differences between open and advanced because neither of my dogs is allowed/eligible to run an advanced course yet.

I haven't competed on an ANKC course, but from the ones we have run at training they seem to be a bit tighter with more difficult discriminations and turns on them. A challenge to look forward to!

ETA - Cards are awarded for clear rounds (no time faults, refusals or course faults) and when you have a certain number of cards at a certain level you can apply for a title. eg: 4 cards at elementary level (at least 2 agility) gives you your BAAD title. (Beginners Australian Agility Dog) 4 Cards at starters level (2 agility) gives you your AAD title and so on. Basically it's something for handlers to aim for - I don't think the puppies know the difference LOL.



Edited by Reddii
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ROFL - BAAD title makes it look like the dogs are naughty :)

Well done Reddii - I think your dogs have really got their skates on and Xena really improved since her first trials :thumbsup:

And never say it was 'just' an elementary pass!!!! :)

A pass is an excellent achievement no matter what level!!!!

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ROFL - BAAD title makes it look like the dogs are naughty :rofl:

Well done Reddii - I think your dogs have really got their skates on and Xena really improved since her first trials :laugh:

And never say it was 'just' an elementary pass!!!! ;)

A pass is an excellent achievement no matter what level!!!!

Even better - after AAD you get SAAD, the MAAD.

Thanks - she is a really good little girl and so easy to train, except when she doesn't want to be! We do a fair bit of work and it is slowly coming together for us.

I think CK will be even better in time, just going to be a matter of patience though. Not many people agree with me, but at the same time not many people agreed he'd be better at flyball either!

I'm so proud of my little man for his pass, I just sometimes feel it's such a small thing because I make the mistake of comparing the two.

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I know what you mean on all angles there!

Kinta can be a difficult little girlie too (as I'm fast finding out) as she can be so hot and cold! She has so much potential too!

Nothing is a small title - you know yourself how much work has gone into getting any title - so be proud of them all... and don't underestimate it!!! ROFL!

It does sound little though doesn't it ;). My family always tease me as poor Kinta's ribbons get thrown in the box, whereas Leo's used to be paraded around for MONTHS :laugh:

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