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I understand if this needs to be moved ...

I have had a not good Sunday today and am just putting this out there to ask for your thoughts and prayers for a couple of families in need.

I found out today that two people who made this world a better place are gone forever. I counted them as friends, and my life was richer for them.

One died doing what he loved doing on the weekend.

One was murdered a couple of weeks ago but I just found out today.

These two men really added to the planet and I will miss their presence.

They each left families behind including two young girls and one unborn grandchild.

I'm gutted at the loss but trying to send out as much positive energy to those close to them that are left behind.

Please remember them as you throw your energy into the universe in the coming days - their families are going to need every ounce of strength they can get.

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stay strong vibes are being sent from my house to those who need them most. Hugs to you too kja for your loss. i only said to a friend yesterday, sometimes the wrong people are just taken way too soon and life is not fair.

May those 2 souls who touched your life rest in peace till they are reunited with all their loved ones again.

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