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Itchy Red Eyes...help


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My sheltie has itchy red eyes and bites at his paws, he had a coitersone(can't spell lol) injectioon at the vet 2 weeks ago which helped mildly but also made him put on weight and very lethargic. I really don't want him to have another injection, is there anything I can rinse his eyes out with to help with the itch?

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Do you have any plants like wandering jew, or other irritating plants, in your garden that he can play in?

What sort of food do you feed? Dry food? Dry food contains grains which is the cause of many skin irritations in dogs. Get him off all grains and onto a BARF and RAW diet.

You can also give him human antihistamine tablets. Claratyne works best for my dogs, one a day, but you might have to try a few of them to get one that works well with him.

For his eyes you could wash them out with a slightly warm tea bag. Wet the tea bag and place over his eye. I have used cammomile before but others use black tea or green tea.

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Do you have any plants like wandering jew, or other irritating plants, in your garden that he can play in?

What sort of food do you feed? Dry food? Dry food contains grains which is the cause of many skin irritations in dogs. Get him off all grains and onto a BARF and RAW diet.

You can also give him human antihistamine tablets. Claratyne works best for my dogs, one a day, but you might have to try a few of them to get one that works well with him.

For his eyes you could wash them out with a slightly warm tea bag. Wet the tea bag and place over his eye. I have used cammomile before but others use black tea or green tea.

Today we pulled out a suspect plant I think it's called morning glory it's a creeper with a purple flower. He eats ecopet and raw chicken bones, so don't think it's his diet, more likely a season thing as has jst started in the last few weeks. Is Zyrtek allergy tablets okay to give him?

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One of mine had a red itchy eye for a couple of day. he wanted to keep it closed abit too. I washed it with water acouple of time and tehn went to the vet. He had a injection of metacam (non-steriodal antiinflammaoty) & i used a cortisome eye cream for about 2 days & it cleared up. I'd go back to the vet it it is still present after 2 weeks. wandering dew i think it the worst weed for dogs.

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Normal saline is rather safe to flush the eyes. You can try collodial silver if you have some on hand. My dog had about 1/4 tablet of my anti-histamine with he broke out in rashes due to contact allergy.

I once had my foster MS soak in lavender salt water. Poor girl was also extremely allergic. If your are into herbal remedies, a soak in the chinese chrysanthemum or camomile flowers actually sooth the swollen and red skin.

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