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Question For Groomers


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I am in the process of opening a new grooming salon and i was looking for some suggestions from other other groomers as to where you keep the dogs while at the salon. At the moment i have a large bank of crates (rudducks) small ones and Large ones. In my new salon i was thinking of having the holding bay/ bench type things they have at the royal shows, do you know what i'm talking about? :love:

I have found that alot of people dont like the idea of there pet being "caged" while they stay with us for a few hours, i also know of some other grooming salons who use this type of "pigeon hole" system. Just wondering if any other groomers have used this type of holding method, or what other systems you have used to manage the dogs in the shop, i have only ever used "cages". :rofl:

Thankyou :)

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I use crates. For every client that's told me they dont like the "cages", 10 others have said they love the fact little fifi isn't being jumped on and harrassed by other dogs. Its also a relief for the clients that know their dogs will bite other dogs.

Would the dogs be able to reach each other over the top?

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well the idea is it would essentially be like a crate but insted of wire bars, it would be solid wood walls and insted of having a door in the front the dog would be attached to a short lead at the back of the "cubby hole". I am not one of them groomers who could let the dogs run around the place, a bit to much for me :rofl: , i have only ever used crates personally and all the other places i have worked prior used crates. I was just thinking new shop, new idea and have herd of groomers using this system but never actually spoken to one.

Just curious about alternatives to crates is all.

And if anyone has any pictures of the benching areas they use at shows (if you know what i am talking about :love: ) that i could use to show my desinger, cause i dont think he has the faintest idea what i am talking about- and i have not been able to find any on the net.

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Thanks Nekhbet, that first pic is pretty much the idea i had in mind. :)

I love them sort of fiberglass or stainless steel vet cages but they are pretty much still a crate/ cage. I did look into them but found it hard to find someone who made/ sold them. They look very nice but.

Bloody google is right :rofl::love: , i found nothing when i did a search. Sorry about the porn :rofl: hope it did not burn your virgin eyes :)

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I really like the concept of that first pic but think it could be quite stressful for some dogs to be open like that? I think it would appeal to owners more though.

I would also steer clear of timber as it tends to absorb smells and then lacquer (and paint) bubbles/lifts etc from moisture.

My preference is for something which can be hosed and bleached so unfortunately that leaves me with boring old crates.

My work area is off an large courtyard so depending on the dogs they relax in the sun/shade while they wait, but if the dogs arent compatible they are crated. That being said I rarely double up and try to have owners drop off just as I am finishing the last one.

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  Clyde said:

My work area is off an large courtyard so depending on the dogs they relax in the sun/shade while they wait, but if the dogs arent compatible they are crated. That being said I rarely double up and try to have owners drop off just as I am finishing the last one.

And the dogs and owners REALLY like it this way :rofl:

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Will you end up constantly having to untangle the dog? Some of these dogs aren't too bright about not tangling their legs up. I dont know....I think its a nice idea for the owners but I can just see stupid dogs tangling themselves up (even on a short lead) and barking all the time because they think they should be able to walk off the edge.

Plus what if a dog accidently got loose and ran straight up to another dog. The dogs I had today would have eaten each other if they didn't have their crates. They knew they couldn't get to each other so they just slept instead.

I remember seeing a set up a few years ago where the dogs had a cosy pen. No roof which probably made the owners feel better. I'll try to find the photo. You'd need a lot more floor space though.

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Here you go....a thread about it http://www.groomers.net/cgi-bin/discus/discus.cgi?

The ones with the picket fence at the front is the one I was thinking about.

eta: arg the link wont work...If you follow the link above, then click on General Groomers Chat and then The Frugal Groomer the link is called "Cubbies for holding dogs"

I'll try to get the whole link for you

Edited by Ari
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In my grooming area I have put a double decker trolley cage. I bought the large size so plenty of room to put a small or big dog in. So if I had two at the same time I could put the big dog in the bottom cage and lift the little one up into the top cage. They are on wheels and have breaks so you can move easily for cleaning or anything. You can buy them on ebay.

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Thanks for the link Ari. I was thinking of having triple story "cubby holes"- large ones along the bottom for big dogs and 2 rows of smaller ones ontop for the small dogs. I owuld not have enough floor space to have them all on the ground level. I dont really get the point of them holding bays in the link as the chains where long enough for the dogs to wonder out onto the floor and the boards in between not high enough to prevent the dogs getting to each other. The proposal i have discussed would have each cubby hole fully enclosed except for the front. They would also be quite deep and the dogs chains very short preventing them going anywhere near the edge, i to had worried about dogs hanging themselves.

I admit that crates are a much easier idea! i know the dog is on there totally safe and free to move around, but one the girls who workes for me said the place she use to work for had this system and it was great and very popular with customers. I have quite a few customers who wont let me crate there dog so we try and juggle them tying them up around the place and trying to get them out asap. I have also heard through the grape vine that several customers have not come back after their first visit here not because they were not happy with the grooming, but because there dog went in a crate.

Just trying to figure out in my mind how it will work ( the girl who told me about it is not much help she dont remember much about the other place she worked at)

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  Clyde said:
I recently bought four of these and found that they connect so I can stack them.


ooops posted while i was. Thanks they look great- great price to. They are pretty similar to the creates i have now, trying to come up with somthing new- but it appears you are all boring and lazy like me and use cages :rofl:.

I know of groomer who use just hooks on the wall and tie the dogs up but i think they would get dirty on the floor after just being groomed and you would need alot of space to keeps the dogs tethered far enough apart from each other to prevent fights.

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The idea you have may be good for owners peace of mind in theory, but in practice would not be the best idea. How are you going to unclip a dog that has just turned into Hannibal Lector?? Without getting bitten, Its almost impossible. The only safe way is to crate or runs. I think anything else is an accident waiting to happen. Sometimes i'll let a dog kick around the salon out with me, but not together with dogs from another household, it only takes a second.

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I would never have cubbies off the ground unless you intend to make the chain very short and the cubbies quite large which makes grabbing dogs difficult. A dog slips and can hang itself and injure its neck. Also many dogs would probably be not comfortable up on a shelf - at least a crate is enclosed.

Pah a few dont come back because the dog is crated. Its crated at the vets, its crated in a car and it can be crated in the groomers tough. So many groomers use crates/modules and have no lack of business. Its for the dogs and staff safety THAT would be my priority before a couple of owners who think their schnookums (who mind you is probably a miniature Cujo) will be forever emotionally traumatised from spending a couple of hours in a crate.

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Ok Change of plan :rofl:

Any of you genious's know anywhere to get them cage modules, the sort in the picture Nehkbet first posted. They were my first idea but i have not been able to find an Australian supplier.

Thanks for all the Hints guys- always great to get some second opinions from people who know

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