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Ledum As Tick Remedy?


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My MIL just came over to drop off her dogs and told me that she started giving her dogs Ledum for ticks. Now she doesn't know how it works, but apparently it saved her friend's dog so she decided to use it as well.

I did a quick google search and it seems that it's a homeopathic remedy ... so I am not sure if it works as a prevention medicine (the way she is using it every day).

Has anyone used it? Can anyone comment on it?

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I have only used Ledum for puncture wounds to prevent tetanus and promote healing, and I know it is the remedy of choice for immediate administration for tick and snake bites, but I haven't heard of it being used on a daily basis as prevention.

Would have to look up my notes for this one, sounds dodgy but I could be wrong.

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I have only used Ledum for puncture wounds to prevent tetanus and promote healing, and I know it is the remedy of choice for immediate administration for tick and snake bites, but I haven't heard of it being used on a daily basis as prevention.

Would have to look up my notes for this one, sounds dodgy but I could be wrong.

Thank you morgan. Seems like she didn't understand it when her friend told her about it.

When you say:

I know it is the remedy of choice for immediate administration for tick and snake bites

does it mean that it really protects the animals that have been bitten by a snake or tick?

Or is it something that gives you more time to get to the vet?

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Giving Ledum has cured tick bites and snake bites but the best advice would be to administer Ledum and give a vit C injection whilst on the way to the vet!

For myself, having large dogs and living in an area where snake antivenene is usually unavailable I wouldn't take a dog to the vet for snakebite - my vets simply don't stock it as it is so incredibly expensive that it isn't worth their while. So I would simply use both Ledum and Vit C.

As I don't live in a tick area I haven't had to face my dogs having them. The only affected dog I have dealt with was a visitor who showed signs of tick poisoning but we couldn't find a tick despite two hours of searching - took him to his owner's vet who eventually found the attachment site the next day. Apparently we must have knocked it off while looking for it, but he recovered with no treatment whatsoever - considering he had been unable to sit up, let alone stand when we were searching him he was very lucky. He stayed at the vet's for 2 days in case of complications, but never received any actual treatment, yet other dogs I know have been in the same state, received all the possible vet treatment and still died.

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Any homeopath in the yellow pages can provide it as well as Newton's Pharmacy in York St Sydney (will do mail order) and some online sources.

It is often included in "First Aid" homeopathic kits, which are well worth buying - they usually have basic things like Arnica for bruising and inflammation, Ferrum Phos for the first stages of an illness, Apis for insect stings etc.

For example, Apis is one remedy I always have as I'm allergic to bee stings - every summer holiday as a kid I would be rushed off to hospital with swollen limbs and angry red streaks heading to the heart - a couple of doses of Apis and all I have is a slight pink swelling at the sting site and a bit of pain.

Ledum is also used to prevent Tetanus from puncture wounds - I wish my mother had known about this as I was always having tetanus shots too - was a bit of a tomboy, playing where I shouldn't have been :laugh:

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