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Chicken And Rice


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Hi I've got a 16 week old staffie - around 6.5kg's who needs some "firming up" and "consistency" in the poo department.

It's been suggested (THANKS!!) that I get him on boiled chicken and rice for a while to get his belly back to normal and then start slowly introducing kibble (I'm waiting for my Orijen supply to arrive).

I'm just not sure of quantities?

Would it be around 50g chicken / 100g rice??

I'm really not too sure and don't want him to end up too constipated as a result of innacurate feeding. I've also heard that pumpkin is great too.

I feed him twice a day.

All suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Has he been wormed recently? My puppies get sloppy if I miss their worming date.

I have just FINALLY cured one of my dogs from sloppy poos, he is 11 months old! Seems he must have allergies to most foods, finally Coprice has seen him firm right up! Now we just have to get the stains out of his trousers!

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I would feed chicken and veggies rather then rice.

Grains are not a natural part of a dogs diet and can cause alot of allergies.

With the veggies you can either put them through the food processor so they are pureed or steam them.

As for how much to feed. 10% of his body weight split up into either two or three meals a day. With the meat making up approx 80% of the food and the veggies 20%. So seeing that he is 6.5kg you would be feeding 650grams of food a day with 130grams being veggies and 520grams being the meat.

How long are you going to be feeding this for? As it is not good to feed dogs meat (phosphorus) without bones (calcium) as it leads to growth deformities. If you are going to be feeding this diet for more then a few days I would really suggest that you go and get some minced chicken carcusses (some places call it puppy mince but you have to make sure it is meat and mince) to make sure your pup is getting the right balance.

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thanks for the replies people!

yes he's up to date with his worming and I thought that was what set this bout off in the first place.. I've been told I was changing his diet too fast and it initially caused the problem and all my efforts to fix it only made it worse (oops).

Im hoping to only feed this to him for a few days (maybe a week) to get his belly back to a normal state and then start very slowly introducing Orijin, reducing the mix daily.

I've reduced his rice content and added pumpkin to the mix.

All your advice has been greatly appreciated... to date the runs are no longer running!!!!! I hope to keep him that way.

Wow Rysup.. 11 months.. that's a long time to be dealing with those issues. I'm glad they have worked themselves out.

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I might just do that PPS thanks for the advice.

Could you PM me any info you think might relevant on a raw natural diet, it would be soo appreciated.

Or point me in the direction of other posts that might help? That's why I'm going for the Orijin to try to avoid grains completely.


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It depends if you want to go down the road of the Barf type diet, making up meat and veg mixes/patties or if you choose to feed raw whole foods or as close to as you can get.

Our guys have a mixture of

chicken wings, necks, carcass, lamb flap, fish, rabbit ( when we can get it ), roo tails, small amounts of liver, eggs, sardines, vegie scraps and left over veg, chicken mince, beef mince, beef brisket.

I keep it simple and my boys and girls have never looked better. Like anything it's a matter of working out what works for you. I've followed the advice of some fellow breeders , rather than what's in books but I'm sure there are some others here who can give you some links and further choices.

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yeaha same thing happeded with my dog the chiken and rice is really good and add a tad of pumkin for some weried reason it has the abliity to hard up the poop when its realli wet and also to soften it when there constipated

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