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Kennel Cough


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Hey everyone, Just wondering for how long a dog with kennel cough can still infect other dogs? Poor Baz has some form of it (has had immunisations etc) and as soon as he went on antibiotics the symptoms disappeared and he is all better (feeling) and running around like normal.

Will he still be infectious for some time or until his course of antibiotics is finished or is he ok now that the symptoms have completely gone??

Any advise would be greatly appreciated as i have a dog DYING for a walk!!! :laugh:

Cheers Kim

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That's like asking how long flu is contagious. In my experience, there are a variety of viruses lumped as 'kennel cough' and there are significant differences between them in terms of symptoms, infectiousness, and period to onset. This is further complicated by secondary bacterial infections, which are common and varied in nature. The bit that responded to antibiotics, btw, it wasn't kennel cough, which is a viral infection and does not respond to antibiotics, but a secondary bacterial infection accompanying the KC.

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