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Barking Problem


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Hi our new dog trigger has a bit of a barking problem with the next door neighbours dog. The fence is a slated type and they can see each other. We received a letter from another neighbour complaining about the noise they make during the day (does not happen at all during the night), they have threatened to go to council if it continues. Just wondering what is the best thing to do. Are the stop bark collar effective or are there alternatives??????

PS I shall be talking to both neighbours as well as I don't want this issue to cause angst amongst neighbours.

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3 things

1) put up something like the brush screen, bamboo or even extra palings so they cannot see each other

2) put up a little temporary fence about a foot away from the original to discourage him barking and fence running

3) If you are going to get a bark collar I recommend Innotec (they have a website) electronic collars especially for medium-large breeds. You will have to provide him with alternatives because you dont want him to bark and fence run but if he's bored stiff he'll try and bark through or become destructive

sandpit (clamshell pool)

clamshell pool with water

all his meals stuffed into treat balls only

bury treats in his sandpit

rotate toys - 3-5 toys a day, hide them around the yard too

Prestige Pet have a range of toys that make giggle noises, animal noises etc check the website and your local pet supplies can order them in for you

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3 things

1) put up something like the brush screen, bamboo or even extra palings so they cannot see each other

2) put up a little temporary fence about a foot away from the original to discourage him barking and fence running

3) If you are going to get a bark collar I recommend Innotec (they have a website) electronic collars especially for medium-large breeds. You will have to provide him with alternatives because you dont want him to bark and fence run but if he's bored stiff he'll try and bark through or become destructive

Just a thought about (1), I've used hessian for this before, for the problem of a neighbour's dog being stimulated by seeing mine and barking through the paling fence.

It's cheap by the metre from the hardware place and easy to put up.

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Hi guys,

I have been doing some research on the internet about anti barking devices. I saw an item that sets off a 130 decibel sound for up to 15meters. I spoke to the neighbours wih the other dog that barks and they are okay with using this device. I am just wondering if these things work or are they just a gimmick? What are the collars that let off a static electric shock like?

Edited by jet
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3 things

1) put up something like the brush screen, bamboo or even extra palings so they cannot see each other

2) put up a little temporary fence about a foot away from the original to discourage him barking and fence running

3) If you are going to get a bark collar I recommend Innotec (they have a website) electronic collars especially for medium-large breeds. You will have to provide him with alternatives because you dont want him to bark and fence run but if he's bored stiff he'll try and bark through or become destructive

sandpit (clamshell pool)

clamshell pool with water

all his meals stuffed into treat balls only

bury treats in his sandpit

rotate toys - 3-5 toys a day, hide them around the yard too

Prestige Pet have a range of toys that make giggle noises, animal noises etc check the website and your local pet supplies can order them in for you

Have you tried Nekhbet's advice? I second everything written here, and strongly recommend you keep Trigger as busy/occupied as you possibly can!!!!

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