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How To Get A Pup To Go To The Toilet Outside Where We Want Him To Go..


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Hi all,

My 15 week old lab pup is an outside dog (during the day anyway) and has a whole backyard to play and go to the toilet in. However, he seems to go to the toilet in the one spot just outside the bedroom window... it has been posing a problem lately because of all the rain and it absolutely STINKS!!! Is there any way of getting him to go to a part of the yard which is further away? He is leashed trained but because he is outside most of the time he cant be on a leash out there...

Please help!


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Quick pick ups will solve the problem.


Short, sweet and to the point!

If he's outside during the day by himself, then I can't really see how you could train him to go elsewhere. Although apparently if dogs can smell where they went before, they'll go there again. Perhaps try placing some of his droppings elsewhere, where you'd like him to go?

Then, when you're home in the mornings/evenings, when he's ready to go to the toilet try taking him to the new designated spot and when he does his business there, make a huuuuge fuss over him so he associates going in the new spot with lots of affection and praise.

I'm certainly no expert though, so I'm not sure how well this would work - especially if there's nobody around during the day to encourage him to use the new spot.

Let us know how you go :shrug:

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I'm no expert either, but I remember going through this with our first Sibe, he has always been an outside dog and although he always went in the one spot (mostly). We tried moving his droppings to a new spot and it seemed to work.

When you are home you can make sure that he goes where you want. He will eventually go in the new place I would think.

Like I said I am no expert - just my eperience with my own dog.

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Gravel rocks ^_^ I have a limited area of grass at the moment, loads of gravel though. So we have worked out an area around the side of the house where some weeds are growing through the gravel. He gets to hide his bum like he wants and I don't have to step in it when we play.

I don't know if the different texture underfoot helps imprint a new spot or not. But whenever he had his feet on the gravel and did his business I rewarded him. He was my little Olympian just for doing it in the right spot.

If you have an area that is easily different where you can take him when your home. He should still be young enough that regular potty visits will help him learn it.

I'd move as much of his fresh poo over there for the smell too. Perhaps some Dog away type stuff under your bedroom window if you can. To help discourage him from re-visiting the area.

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Do you guys have a item over there called The Pee Post? It's yellow & looks like a garden peg. We bought one last year & all of the dogs now pee either on it or near it & they have also taken to defecating near it. I forgot to add that it gives off an odour that dogs normally aren't able to resist, similiar to puppy pads.

The moving the faeces over is a great idea too which is what we did before we got the Pee Post.

Edited by CDM
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