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Broken Elbow


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post-24183-1220777125_thumb.jpgFriday was the first day of the Royal Adelaide Show & since my son had a day off school I had planned weeks before to go to the show & leave Rosie in doggie day care at the kennel club where we do obediance. I thought this would be wonderful for her because she loves running around & playing with other dogs & I wouldn't worry about her being left alone all day in the back yard. Friday is also a small dog day at the daycare - so it sounded perfect since Rosie is 5 1/2 month old tibetan terrier.

Anyway - to cut the story short - it turned into a nightmare - Rosie broke her elbow there - the X- rays show a bad fracture - completely broken off bit of the right elbow. Aparently Rosie was supervised at the time it had happened & the carers couldn't tell why she all of a sudden screamed - to them it didn't look serious.

Rosie would need orthopedic surgery to fix her properly which would set me back for $2000-$3000.

At the moment she is all bandaged up to her shoulder & the vet said to keep her not using the leg for 6 weeks.

I'll talk to the day care people tomorrow & see if they can be at all responsible & maybe pay for Rosies treatment.

I'm very upset at the moment & naturally want to blame somebody.

What do you think?

Edited by Shoshana
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Big hugs to your girl :laugh:

What are the centres policies in relation to incidents like this? You should have viewed these prior to taking her there/have a copy of them. Did you have to sign anything? This may place limitation of what they are responsible for? Did they need to supply you with a report of the incident?

Did you get the vets opinion on how they think it could have occurred? Impact etc? If you feel it was the fault of the daycare centre a report from the vet would be important. But I would personally get all this information together prior to contacting them iykwim.

Hugs again,


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I would be willing to bet that you signed a waver for this type of thing before your dog was accepted. Unfortunately unless you can prove the accident happened as a direct result of their negligence I don’t think there is much you can do about it. Certainly speak to them and they may be prepared to pay at least something towards the cost of getting the elbow fixed

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I did sign a form & at the bottom it reffered me to the full terms & conditions which I didn't receive - anyway I'll ask about that tomorrow.

The vet just said that small dogs have such tiny bones & it could easily happen. Rosie is 7.5 kg dog & a completely broken bone doesn't happen just like that.

I'll see...

Thanks for your concern becboo...

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  cowanbree said:
I would be willing to bet that you signed a waver for this type of thing before your dog was accepted. Unfortunately unless you can prove the accident happened as a direct result of their negligence I don’t think there is much you can do about it. Certainly speak to them and they may be prepared to pay at least something towards the cost of getting the elbow fixed

I'm afraid you might be right.

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How could they be responsible? Sounds like an accident if she was playing with other small dogs and she was reported to have suddenly screamed - she could have jumped off something etc etc

Someone is not automatically to blame for all accidents. I would put my energy into looking after pups instead.

Anyway - I hope pups is doing okay.

Edited by Danois
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  Danois said:
Someone is not automatically to blame for all accidents. I would put my energy into looking after pups instead.

I know ... it's just that I left my dog in their care so they can "care" for her - otherwise I would have left her at home. :laugh:

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Yeah I can understand that but the very nature of doggy day care (and what probably attracted you) was the opportunity for your puppy to have a play day with other dogs of a same size.

If the same injury happened in the park while playing with other dogs - would you blame the owners of the other dogs?

Just because it was at a doggy day care does not alter these circumstances - and I suspect you signed a waiver which says that they would not be held responsible for any accidents. Different story if they were negligent and say, left the door open and a dog escaped. I suspect the form also said that you had read and understood the terms and conditions - if these were not given to you then you should have asked for them before signing the form.

I just looked at the waiver of several doggy day care places and they all disclaim liability for injuries due the owner's acceptance of the risk that DDC is a cage free environment.

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  Shoshana said:
  Danois said:
Someone is not automatically to blame for all accidents. I would put my energy into looking after pups instead.

I know ... it's just that I left my dog in their care so they can "care" for her - otherwise I would have left her at home. :laugh:

true but things happen she could have hurt herself also if she was left at home.

hope she is on the mend!!! :)

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"I know ... it's just that I left my dog in their care so they can "care" for her - otherwise I would have left her at home"

"I thought this would be wonderful for her because she loves running around & playing with other dogs & I wouldn't worry about her being left alone all day in the back yard."

You obviously drop her off to run around & play.You more than likely now the risks off a young pup playing.

You also signed the waiver without reading.

I do hope your girl mends well but the risk was your choice.

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Thank you all for your replies - they all make sense.

I wish I left Rosie at home...

The vet said she might even have to have her leg cut off if it doesn't heal properly.

She also said : "Good news is small dogs cope extremely well on 3 legs"

I'm hoping for the best.

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Unless you have insurance (contract) that covers injuries such as this you may be hard pressed to get compensation.

Accidents do happen and it is very unfortunate it happened to your pup.

I hope he recovers soon.

Petra and Felix

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  Shoshana said:
I wish I left Rosie at home...

You'll only be beating yourself up if you 'wish' this way. I mean, it might have been that had you left her home an even worse fate may have befallen her. Then you'd be wishing you left her at doggy day care. I only say this because in the absence of a crystal ball and some sort of insight and hindsight that the majority of us without 'gifts' don't possess, you just can't know if one or the other would have been better. I'm really sorry this happened to your pup, Shoshana and I truly hope for the best possible outcome for her. I can imagine your worry and regret. But try not to dwell on it and look backwards - it won't help you at all and will make no difference to your pup's situation.

There are such things as 'accidents' and although I know what you mean about wanting to be able to place blame on someone because that's easier to accept, accidents do happen as a part of life. No-one's to blame, not even yourself for the decision you made. You did the right thing for the right reason. Not your fault because your pup was playing and became injured as a result.

All the best,


Edited by Erny
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I am sure it was an accident and really no one is at fault (although dont get me started on my real opinion on doggy day care free for alls) but at the same time they surely have insurance for just this type of thing. I know I do as a groomer...

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The vet just said that small dogs have such tiny bones & it could easily happen. Rosie is 7.5 kg dog & a completely broken bone doesn't happen just like that

My pap presented with a limp, and it turned out to be a broken neck. This is a dog that was NOT out of my sight, and screamed if an ant bit him. I have NO idea how he could have possibly done it.

Obviously stuff just happenes regardless of how careful anyone is :laugh:

I hope your poor doggy heals well and with no lasting effects.

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