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Chicken Necks And Gulpers


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I just got back from the shops with some chicken necks to feed to the puppies for the first time, went upstairs to use the bathroom, came back downstairs and OH had already fed half a neck each to the pups, and they swallowed them whole :laugh::eek: [note to self: never trust OH with these things again]

The OH had chopped one neck in half, gave one half to Enzo (7 months) and the other half he chopped the bone in half again (one side of the flesh still intact) and gave that to Mila (11 weeks). He said Enzo crunched on his a few times before swallowing, but Mila pretty much popped it in her mouth and swallowed, and it was gone!

They don't seem to be in any discomfort at all, running around being their normal mischievous selves, playing tug-of-war with a pig's ear right now in fact... Now, on a scale of 1-10, how worried should i be? Should i be calling the vets? The idea that a (half) chicken neck is sitting in their stomachs whole really worries me...

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I just got back from the shops with some chicken necks to feed to the puppies for the first time, went upstairs to use the bathroom, came back downstairs and OH had already fed half a neck each to the pups, and they swallowed them whole :laugh::eek: [note to self: never trust OH with these things again]

The OH had chopped one neck in half, gave one half to Enzo (7 months) and the other half he chopped the bone in half again (one side of the flesh still intact) and gave that to Mila (11 weeks). He said Enzo crunched on his a few times before swallowing, but Mila pretty much popped it in her mouth and swallowed, and it was gone!

They don't seem to be in any discomfort at all, running around being their normal mischievous selves, playing tug-of-war with a pig's ear right now in fact... Now, on a scale of 1-10, how worried should i be? Should i be calling the vets? The idea that a (half) chicken neck is sitting in their stomachs whole really worries me...

Honestly - I would not stress a lot, half a neck is not a lot. Louie gets three a day and only chews them two or three times each - he has never had a problem with it traveling from a to b. He has been getting t hem from about 5 months old so I dare say both the frenchies will be fine. If it was me - on a scale of 1 to 10 a 1 to 2 for worry...

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Most dogs can easily digest the necks.

Generally the chicken is from very young animals and the bone is easy for the dogs to digest.

I have had lots of pups swallow them like that. Constipation from too many can be issue, but I haven't had any problems with them swallowing them.

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The biggest danger with chicken necks & gulpers, is the danger of choking, they are just the right shape to lodge in the trachea.

if the dogs are gulpers, I'd probably give wings or mince the necks.


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If your dogs can swallow them without a problem then they are fine. The necks are digested in the tummies. It's the swallowing part that you have to be warried about as that is when they can choke.

I cut the pugs chicken necks up into half finger sized pieces. That way they chew on the pieces a few times before they swallow them and the pieces are small enough for them to swallow without choking on them.

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Yep a good solution/precaution - I also make sure I put them in the side of their mouth - that way they have to chew a couple of times before swallowing - and I supervise them. Haven't had any problems even though my two are real desexed foodaholics



Westiemum :)

I put a few together and freeze them for my boy. He has to chew for at least a few seconds that way.
Edited by westiemum
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