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Puppy Ears


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Hi. I don't think this is any big problem, or even, if I'm lucky, that I need to be concerned or do anything about it. When I picked up Mandela at 8wo, he had a reasonable amount of blackish wax in his ears. His ears bothered him a little, as they still do, but I would not suggest excessively. I simply used damp cotton balls to wipe out his ears to clear the wax and noticed this did provide him with some relief, however the blackish wax continues to accrue, although not as it was.

When we were at the Vet's yesterday for his 2nd puppy vaccine, I got the Vet to check his ears in case Mandela had a mite problem. When the Vet peered into his ears via the ear-scope, she did make comment that there was some white stuff in the canals which she said is often indicative of the presence of mites. She did an ear swab of each ear, but it came up clear. So no mites - good :).

But it's got me wondering a little about what the "white stuff" would be. The Vet suggested that perhaps my cleaning of his ears did the trick. I doubt this very much as I only wiped around the exterior part and would have expected that if there had been mites, there would still be some remaining even if I had managed to remove a few.

Could the "white stuff" (sorry that I don't have a better description) be a yeast deposit of sorts? And if so, what is the cause of this in dogs, and what is the remedy?

I'm happy to leave this if it is to cause him no problems. As I said, his ear scratching is not excessive and in fact I'm thinking it has reduced further in the last few days (but that might be a temporary thing, seeing as I had recently cleaned them again only a few days or so ago). I don't really want to plaster pup with chemically based or harsh cleaning products, nor start sticking anything down his ears if I can avoid it.

I just thought there might be some who have knowledge and experience of this who could share that with me to perhaps douse my curiosity.

All of this I should have asked the Vet when I was there. But we got side tracked and I didn't think about it at the time. I was just pleased when she told me he didn't have mites in his ears I don't think I thought forward of that at the time.

Cheers and thanks in advance :)



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I find one of the best ears cleaners is Peroxide.

I just lay the dog on his/her side and use a wad of tissues or kitchen towels to stop it going into the eyes and pour from the lid, don't syringe, into the ear.

I then turn the head and allow the liquid to drain out. I repeat it with the other ear.

Because it all evaporates quickly there is no residue and as soon as it dries the dog no longer shakes it's head.

I have Kerries with very hairy ears that need to be plucked and Bostons with wide open ears that can collect all sorts of dust etc.

By the way I also used this method on my kids when we lived in Darwin and they never had "tropical ear" from swimming.

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The white stuff might be like a fibrin that is showing anything that was there is healing over.

Usually you see mites visibly so perhaps it was the beginnings of a yeast infection that is self-resolving? I can usually tell in my dogs when an infection is starting and a good clean out will often nip it in the bud.

If you're worried that there could be mites there you could call up and request a pack of milbemite which is one application, or grab some advocate or revolution which both treat mites.


Edited by Staff'n'Toller
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Sounds like mites to me - there are very few other things which would be as described in a baby puppy. And what Crisovar says makes sense - mite powder!! Wipe out the white deposit, and see if it comes back. If the ears were cleaned out, there might not be any mites to be seen at that time.

If he belonged to me, I'd clean his ears, and treat for mites, and see what happens in a fortnight.

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Sounds like mites to me

That's what both the Vet and I thought initially. Personally, I can't see the white stuff the Vet was talking about. I presume it is further down the ear canal than what I can detect by simply the naked eye. So this makes it somewhat difficult to wipe out.

If he belonged to me, I'd clean his ears, and treat for mites, and see what happens in a fortnight.

I have some revolution 'spot-on', but I was avoiding applying it until he is a little older. I worry about all the chemicals we impose upon and into our dogs and although I understand there are those that are the 'necessary evils', I would like to use as less as possible and only if necessary.

I need to take him back to the Vet for his weekly weigh-in, so I might get her to do a double check on the "white stuff" and re-check for mites then.

Thanks all. It's not an excessive problem although I'm conscious of not leaving it brew if there is a problem to be had.



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urk :eek:

fungus? yeast?

I was thinking this too, Persephone. My avatar girl used to suffer this from time to time, but then she was an adult dog and it would seem that young pups are less likely to contract this condition?

As per my post above, I'll pop back to the Vet's next week and discuss having his ears re-checked, especially if he is continuing to scratch. He was so busy today, helping me in the garden, that I don't think he thought to scratch once :laugh:.

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Erny, our RR has ear issues too.

Our vet also thought mites but couldnt see anything so decided it was a yeast infection.

Initially we had an ointment we had to put in her ears but then our new vet did a maleseb wash whilst she was under GA for desxing and they have been great for the last 8 weeks. Have just found in the last couple of days that she is scratching and headshaking again, so had a look and sure enough dirty ears. So we are going to do a maleseb wash again to see if it helps.

Hope your boy is good, he is a stunner!

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Hope your boy is good, he is a stunner!

Thanks RL ..... He thinks so too! :thumbsup:

Mind you, he's showing his angelic side in the photo. There is his demonic side as well!! :laugh:

And thanks for your info, although sorry that your dog's problem has returned - hope you are able to resolve it.

I have a friend who knows of a good holistic Vet and from what I recall is apparently pretty good with things such as skin conditions and the like. I think I might organise a visit there just to cover my bases.

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