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After Some Advise


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Went to clip one of my regulars yesterday, a 15 year old small x breed female.

When I clipped off around her fanny I found it was dripping pus, quite a lot of it too.

The owner doesn't have the money to take her to the vet, which made me a bit cross, I would have offered myself but I have JUST finished paying off a $800 vet bill so I am broke as well.

She is not desexed so my first thought was pyometra, does anyone else have any ideas.

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Report her to the RSPCA. She is denying the dog medical treatment which it obviously requires and this is an offence.

Did the dog appear to be tender in the lower abdomen?

At 15 years of age, her body would not be in the condition to battle something like this and it is a disgrace that her owner would treat a geriatric in such a manner.

How come she can afford to have the dog groomed but can't afford medical treatment?

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Report her to the RSPCA. She is denying the dog medical treatment which it obviously requires and this is an offence.

Did the dog appear to be tender in the lower abdomen?

At 15 years of age, her body would not be in the condition to battle something like this and it is a disgrace that her owner would treat a geriatric in such a manner.

How come she can afford to have the dog groomed but can't afford medical treatment?

My thoughts exactly. Disgusting. Pus = pain. There is no excuse here. Vets here certainly do payment plans but if you cannot afford even a consultation, you really shouldn't have a dog. The owner should at least do that in the first instance.

And I agree, the cost of a groom would surely be similar - this person's priorities are all wrong.

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Very well put Dogmad :eek:

I would live on 2 minute noodles to ensure my furkids always had the Vet care they needed.

If you cannot even afford a Vet consult( now my Vet gives 10% discount on consults to pensioners and hcc card holders so the consult is only $38) then don' thave a furkid :laugh: .

I am on Carer penison and my avatar girl recently had to have surgery to remove a large apocrine cyst I found on her tail during weekly brushing- no drama with paying the Vet in instalments if I didn't have the cash handy( in this case I did as just got tax refund). She had several follow-up Vet trips for pain relief and to change dressings and my Vet did not even charge me for those.

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make sure they keep an eye on it and it doesnt close up ... we opened up a pyo staffy once the dog was full of blood because the infection had ruptured an ovary. Dog was happy up to that point.

age yes but I would rather have it taken out and properly ligated then just trust antibiotics.

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