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Shameless Brag!

Miss Helena

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I love this tricks section! Can't wait to teach a few of these to Bonnie (avatar Chi).

I always knew she was smart, but I have been amazed at how quickly she learns new tricks. In the past fortnight, I've taught her to:

Dance/kick her back legs on command

Sit and "wait" for a treat (I hold it 10cm in front of her face, and she stares intently at it but doesn't move a muscle!)

Spin in a circle

She learnt all these with about 4-5 repetitions, one one session per trick - I'm so proud of her :)

Her transitions are still not 100%, she mixes things up a bit sometimes if over-eager...I'm working on getting her to focus on me and wait for the command.

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How did you teach her to dance and kick her back legs on demand?

It's a closely guarded secret! :)

Well actually...

It sort of happened by accident. She was a shy timid type when I got her as a 10mo, so I've encouraged her personality to come out a bit (she is 2yo now). Whenever she thought I was late with her dinner, or she wanted some attention or something, she did that dance/kick back legs thingo. It always made me laugh and I'd call her "cheeky".

A few weeks ago I wondered if I could teach her to do it on command - I've been wanting to teach her a few tricks for ages. So I got her on her mat, showed her a treat and said the word "cheeky". Of course the first few times she was "What The...?" Then probably out of pure frustration she did it. I immediately gave her the treat and praised her ++. After that she did it on command to the word cheeky. Has to be on a soft surface though of course!

I think I'll teach her the weave through my legs trick next - just the right size ratio!

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Isn't if Veanna? I'm just sorry that some small dog/chi owners underestimate their dogs and don't teach them anything.

I've been on DOL for a few hours this morning and Bonnie has been sitting and staring at my back for a while, feeling neglected probably! So I just went and did some tricks with her and she is now happily laying down.

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I was just thinking, I think I have become addicted to trick training :laugh: This morning I started teaching Odin to lay on his side when I say "Bang!"

It is so cute and just so much fun! I've never really gotten into trick training with past dogs and now that I have I am sorry I didn't do it sooner! :laugh:

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I bought a trick training book on Sat. by Mary Ray & Justine Harding. Still going through it, haven't put anything into practice yet. Although Tilba already knows shake both paws, high five & roll over. Teaching her to wave. She also does touches with her nose & a paw touch on a baby's spinning top.

Edited by luvsdogs
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