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Rescued Dog- Fear Aggression


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I recently rescued a 18month old female staffy and she is great. However, when I take her for a walk she displays fear of other dogs with aggression. I know this is probably due to a lack of socialisation as a puppy, but I am wanting to know if there is any technique/training that I can implement to stop this behaviour as I would like to take her to a dog park and get her to socialise with the other dogs.

Also as an aside, she absolutely shows no interest in playing fetch, how can I get her interested in this? At the park she doesn't walk very far from me when she is off lead and to get her to run around I have to run with her and I am getting very fit, but very tired!!!

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aggression is not a problem to solve over the internet, particularly as body language can be misinterpreted by the owner.

I would call a person experienced in solving these types of problems in your are, if you post your are we can PM you with recommedations

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I too own a fear reactive dog and am seeing a trainer for private lessons with just his dog who is non reactive

My dogs also do not have any interested in playing fetch however at a relationship class I'm doing with my other dog last night we were given pencil cases that we put treats into and threw and if the dog had no interested in going for it we just run with the dog and when they showed interest,opened the case to revealed some treats.After about 3 turns my girls was actually eager to go to the case whcih is the start anyway

Good luck

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I recently rescued a 18month old female staffy and she is great. However, when I take her for a walk she displays fear of other dogs with aggression. I know this is probably due to a lack of socialisation as a puppy, but I am wanting to know if there is any technique/training that I can implement to stop this behaviour as I would like to take her to a dog park and get her to socialise with the other dogs.

Also as an aside, she absolutely shows no interest in playing fetch, how can I get her interested in this? At the park she doesn't walk very far from me when she is off lead and to get her to run around I have to run with her and I am getting very fit, but very tired!!!

Jet, the first piece of advice I'd give is that you shouldn't be allowing your dog offlead if she can react aggressively to strange dogs. You can't control her behaviour unless she is onlead and unless she is close to you, you've got not a lot of chance of keeping the other dog away from her. And, people will let their dogs run up to her I'm afraid.

The second thing I'd say is that you may get to the point where she might tolerate some dogs but having her become the social butterfly of the dog park seems unlikely. Don't fret about it - dogs in the wild often kill strange dogs and many dogs really don't get a kick out of socialising with strangers.

But Nekbet :rolleyes: is right - you need qualified experienced assistance with any dog aggression issues. Advice on your location may assist us to suggest someone. I'd be avoiding dog parks like the plague for now - you just can't control what sorts of dogs and owners you will meet there. :D

Edited by poodlefan
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