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Dances With Dogs - Youtube - New Link Post 17 And 21


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I finally got around to putting MrsD's routine up on youtube. She got 3rd place and here is a

Rather irritatingly the camera battery died about 10 seconds before the end :clap:

I also have video of the routines that came first and second - just waiting on permission from the dancers before I put them up too.




Edited by DagBoy
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Guest rhapsodical78

Great stuff! Very impressive.

I gotta say, it's sad that the batery died, but something about the abrupt ending and the mournful message really cracked me up.

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Yes, I'm a bit inspired too! Mrs D where do you do it in Brisbane? Do you know anywhere on the northside?

Though not sure how I would manage getting a fat pei head to slip between my legs :clap: Be worth the laugh anyway!

Edited by badboyz
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Thanks everyone I have alot of thing I need to improve, but Im working on them :banghead: .

Badboyz, there was a demonstration on the first Thursday (which I wasn't involved in), the competition that that routine was from was on Sunday at 1pm & there was also another demonstration which I was a part of on Saturday at 3pm just before Best In Show :rolleyes: .

I train at VIP at Yatala which wont help you, but I know there are a few people who train on the northside, Pine Rivers Obedience Club offers classes, if that's anywhere close I can give you email addresses of people you can contact.

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I have most of Ros's routine (2nd place) which I will put up tonight. I did not get any after hers because I had battery problems and was saving it for Robyn's.

I do have video of some of the VIP girls performing at other places - next time I see them I will see if any of them would let me put them up on youtube.



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