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hi, you could say i am new as i haven't posted anything on here but i viewed and used much advice.

my pug pup got a dry spot on his head on the 29th july(at 5 weeks old) took him to the vet, doesn't know what it is gave me antibiotics VIBRAVET for 10 days, no change so took back.

i say ringworm they say doesn't look like ring worm. did a biopsy little infection but fine. gave different antibiotics NOROCLAV for 10 days. he finishes them tomorrow but still has the spot and now i have found one on other pup. i also asked if i should seperate pups

any help before i go back to vet tomorrow with both pups this time. i think it may be ringworm after searches all day on here. ;)


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Did the Vet actually test for ringworm? Did they look at the area under a special light or did they only to a scraping?

To me, looking at the pic, it certainly looks like it could be ringworm. I would take them both to the Vet again.

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Did the Vet actually test for ringworm? Did they look at the area under a special light or did they only to a scraping?

To me, looking at the pic, it certainly looks like it could be ringworm. I would take them both to the Vet again.

The first vet didn't test for ringworm he just said it isn't. Then my normal vet said she didn't think it was but to try the antibiotics. i think now aswell it is ringworm, i just can't see how as they haven't been outside and the mother hasn't been with them either. And my kids, hubby and myself haven't got any.

i take them to the vet again tomorrow, it's just driving me crazy not knowing

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i take them to the vet again tomorrow, it's just driving me crazy not knowing

Was it the same size as in the pic when first seen by the vets or has it got a lot bigger since?

Insist on a UV lamp exam and if that clears it for ringworm, then a skin scraping for mites.

Please let us know what the verdict is.

Edited to add: Hey, 5 weeks and they've never been outside? So never exposed to direct sunlight? Ask your vet about psoriasis. You need sunlight and diet change and some topical meds to clear up psoriasis in pups.

Edited by Ruralpug
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i take them to the vet again tomorrow, it's just driving me crazy not knowing

Was it the same size as in the pic when first seen by the vets or has it got a lot bigger since?

Insist on a UV lamp exam and if that clears it for ringworm, then a skin scraping for mites.

Please let us know what the verdict is.

Edited to add: Hey, 5 weeks and they've never been outside? So never exposed to direct sunlight? Ask your vet about psoriasis. You need sunlight and diet change and some topical meds to clear up psoriasis in pups.

It was the same size but flat when first seen by vet, once it raised i went for a follow up.

They are 8 weeks now, but at 5+weeks when spot came they hadn't been outside, they did get sun light as i have a sunroom, where they bath in the sun, They have since been outside everyday and love it. They are fed on Advance puppy.

i will let you know what happens today at the vet.

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hi all,

went to vet yesterday and had the UV and scrape test done which came back negative.

still a puzzle so now i have to treat for a fungus/ ringworm just in case. i was given a wash MALASEB medicated shampoo and also a cream FUNGAZOL, cream to use twice a day and to wash the pups every 2 days. vet said if no improvement in 7 days come back.

so now i have another 7 day wait. fingers crossed it works.

thanks for all your advice, will let you know if spots get better with this stuff.

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They are 8 weeks now, but at 5+weeks when spot came they hadn't been outside, they did get sun light as i have a sunroom, where they bath in the sun,

Only unfiltered sunlight assists with Vitamin D production. Window glass filters UV light.

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They are 8 weeks now, but at 5+weeks when spot came they hadn't been outside, they did get sun light as i have a sunroom, where they bath in the sun,

Only unfiltered sunlight assists with Vitamin D production. Window glass filters UV light.

yes i know, my sunroom(what i call it) doesn't have windows, its a big veranda with pull down screens for shade in summer. they have had sunlight and love playing outside. but between birth to 5-6 weeks i don't put them outside on grass and dirt as they can pick up diseases. The spot is not because of lack of sunlight, vet says now fungal. they do get unfiltered sunlight,

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Have your babies gotten any better? Do you have some recent pics to share? Do you have a website?

hi, Yes they are getting better.

i have been treating them for ringworm, and his spot on his head has flattened and is now growing new hair. :laugh:

i haven't any new photo's on computer yet but i will tonight.

and no i don't have a website yet :laugh:

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Have your babies gotten any better? Do you have some recent pics to share? Do you have a website?

hi, Yes they are getting better.

i have been treating them for ringworm, and his spot on his head has flattened and is now growing new hair. :laugh:

i haven't any new photo's on computer yet but i will tonight.

and no i don't have a website yet :laugh:

I am glad they are getting better - poor little things!

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Orbit has had a couple of similar things on him

this one above his eye:


and at the same time, this one in his ear:


We did scrapings, fungassays, UV lamps and all gave us no answers. Vets do see these things from time to time and call them spiderbites. Some sort of insect bite. They started of as a lump (rather quick onset) then the hair fell out and they raised up a little more. They took a few weeks to heal completely.

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Orbit has had a couple of similar things on him

this one above his eye:


and at the same time, this one in his ear:


We did scrapings, fungassays, UV lamps and all gave us no answers. Vets do see these things from time to time and call them spiderbites. Some sort of insect bite. They started of as a lump (rather quick onset) then the hair fell out and they raised up a little more. They took a few weeks to heal completely.


its nice to know i am not alone.

The pups are both doing well, here is an updated photo. he has new hairs growing and the spot is flat.


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