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As Trainers And Clients- Do You Expect Anything To Be Done?


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If you were told something negative about another trainer/ club- how would you respond? Would you contact the trainer? Go to their affiliates- vet clinics that recommend them etc?

I must say, i am told things frequently about prior training that has been attempted and i don't do anything (except assist the dog in front of me) as i will never know exactly whats gone on (what someone says happened and what actually happened can be two different things) and also because of client confidentiality. But a recent conversation with another trainer has highlighted to me that not everyone thinks this way so i am curious as to everyones thoughts.

As clients, do you expect a second club/ trainer to 'do' anything about your reports with regards to a negative experience with a first trainer/ club?

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Unfortunately there is not a lot one can do unless there is a law being broken or animal cruelty. Even then it is up to the owner of the dog to report it not us!

Down here there is a big following on Delta type training and I get called in when it doesn't work... and then have to reverse the months of WRONG training. I know how these women train and what they do so I am not surprised it happens. If anyone asks me about joining a dog club I simply tell them my preferences and trust lie in the other club.

I don't go whinging to companies and clients about the other club, and I don't think its professional to do so. I let my results speak for themselves and have many happy clients for it too. If you don't like my training methods then see someone else its that simple.

I have people here who try and discredit my and have seen a person backstab me ... RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. I think its hideously petty and wrong and i don't do it to them. When a few trainers get together over a beer though now thats another story :confused:

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Down here there is a big following on Delta type training and I get called in when it doesn't work... and then have to reverse the months of WRONG training. I know how these women train and what they do so I am not surprised it happens. If anyone asks me about joining a dog club I simply tell them my preferences and trust lie in the other club.

:confused: Just a query...in your opinion, is it the theory and practice of Delta training which you think is the problem or the way some trainers have interpreted it and implement their version of it?

Back on topic, if, as a client I was told something negative about a particular trainer, my response would depend on how reliable/experienced the person telling me was and also what they perceived the problem to be. I don't think I would report anything as it is hearsay. But, if I heard something dreadful a few times from a reliable source, I would maybe contact their governing body or affiliate.

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Yes and no. While no I "personally" don't expect any trainer to step in over someone elses training or work. If there were numerous complaints about a trainer then in the interest of dogs yes.

My pup and I had a bad experience and at vet run puppy preschool, very aggressive training methods. Stupid me I thought this was some kind of new training method. It felt very wrong and upset me greatly and there was no way I could train given those methods. The following day I was late to work as I wanted to speak with the owner of the Veterinary practice and state my concerns about the method of training. I didn't go back. I would not recommend the training to anyone. However I will not publicly name and shame either.

I knew of a good club already, I wish I had taken him there to start with. Anyway no permanent harm was done, thankfully.

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I must say, i am told things frequently about prior training that has been attempted and i don't do anything (except assist the dog in front of me) as i will never know exactly whats gone on (what someone says happened and what actually happened can be two different things)

As a client- the first trainer I used was disastrous for me, I did tell my new trainer (who I am VERY hapy with) about her but I do not expect him to do anything about it as I put it down to differing approaches. Also I am willing to admit that perhaps (probably :confused: ) a big part of the problem was my overall inexperience at the time. So I totally agree with your stance above.

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Mrmac it is the way these people interpret it - everything can be fixed with food and a hands off approach, dont forget a bucketload of encouragement. Suddenly when the limited range of acceptable options are exhausted then the dog is just 'not good' or not right for the family.

If you limit yourself in the range of methods you use then you should limit yourself to the range of problems you accept to try and fix. I only have an issue with people that think that one bottlenecked method works on all dogs and problems and keep plugging away at it.

I have no problem with positive training, dogs need encouragement, rewards, markers and understanding in order to progress and I use it myself for some things. I just have a problem with people that choose to limit their experience in the dog world and call themselves all round trainers.

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Mrmac it is the way these people interpret it - everything can be fixed with food and a hands off approach, dont forget a bucketload of encouragement. Suddenly when the limited range of acceptable options are exhausted then the dog is just 'not good' or not right for the family.

If you limit yourself in the range of methods you use then you should limit yourself to the range of problems you accept to try and fix. I only have an issue with people that think that one bottlenecked method works on all dogs and problems and keep plugging away at it.

I have no problem with positive training, dogs need encouragement, rewards, markers and understanding in order to progress and I use it myself for some things. I just have a problem with people that choose to limit their experience in the dog world and call themselves all round trainers.

Nekhbet ... thank you. You have said it all so well and so succinctly. ;)

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Guest Willow
Down here there is a big following on Delta type training

Do you mean people who use positive reinforcement in general, or do you mean an actual Delta Society accredited trainer/club ?

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I too have had clients tell me about their ordeals and their lack of satisfaction with previous trainers and/or training schools but I suppose this comes with all different types of organisations and is not limited to dog training.

You can never make everyone happy and I think it is a "if the glove fits" situation with dogs, problems and anecdotes.

Personally, when told of unhappy training stories, I don't usually ask who or where from as I really don't wish to know who it was. I just usually get on with the job at hand and show the client another method or 2. However on several occasions, if the stories they tell are absolutely horrific, then I may ask who it was.

Would I tell the trainer/organisation about the complaints? Well that would depend on the number of complaints received about the same person/organisation and the type of complaints recieved.

On the other hand, if the complaint was about me and/or my organisation, I would definitely appreciate someone telling me about their dissatisfaction as it would be the only way of knowing that I have made someone unhappy and be able to try and rectify the situation.

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